So I finally got around to buying a new car. My Ford Explorer was killing me on gas. Before the recent gas hike it was costing me $52 to fill it up only to get 250 miles out of it. So a little over two weeks ago I traded it in and I bought a brand new black Saturn Ion Quad Coupe. Here is a photo of one exactly like I bought.
Due to how much $$$ I'm saving on gas I'm only paying about $25 more a month for this car. It gets like 38 MPG Highway and 29 MPG City. This will actually mean I can afford to take road trips again.

Due to how much $$$ I'm saving on gas I'm only paying about $25 more a month for this car. It gets like 38 MPG Highway and 29 MPG City. This will actually mean I can afford to take road trips again.
yay a comics lover
A saturn...Isn't that a Mormon car....? I shouldn't complain really. Any American's that are willing to trade in an S.U.V. for an econno-box is allright by me.