Something really bad came close to happening to me on Monday afternoon. Well, I'll just get to the point.... Monday afternoon myself and two guys were behind the TV Station I direct at busting up this old counter with an axe. I don't know why....chalk it up for being bored. I'm all excited and I go to do an over head swing. I guess with all of the excitement I lost focus and missed the counter....then I heard a loud THUD. I then noticed that I had hit myself in the right foot with the axe. The two guys I was with just had the look of horror on their faces. I wasn't hurting though. The axe cut diagonal across part of my combat boot. I felt fine though. I took my boot off and I had cut straight through part of the top of it. My second toe had a small cut on it, nothing major at all. Looking and back on it I can't see how it didn't turn out worse. This could had been so damn bad. It's really made me take note that I need to tone down some of this stupid shit I find myself doing from time to time. Had I not been wearing boots I would have been fucked. Lesson learned. Attached below are a few camera phone pictures for your enjoyment.

my dad chainsawed his knee when i was a kid. he recovered just fine, but i cant imagine it was too fun....