Today we had our regular afternoon OB department meeting. It started slowly because people were telling stories and chatting. Someone brought up the book "The House of God" by Samuel Shem, MD. It's famous in the medical community, loved by some, reviled by others. (If any of you would like some dark humor and a bit of insight into what your doctor has been through,...
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nurses are over rated... go for a milf... wink
I haven't encountered a hot nurse in ages...The only nurses I've seen lately have been chubby gay guys with really bad highlights...

I had a near-miss with drama friday night. I went downtown with my usual crew, and before long, there were a dozen of us playing pool and raising an enjoyable amount of Hell. I was having a good time, but decided to head home around midnight. The bar had gotten annoyingly crowded, my pool game was off, and, honestly, I had a feeling that stupidity...
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mmmmmmmmm.... bite marks. love love

i just noticed that...
wait a minute... you're a doctor... don't you see those all the time?!? eeek
i'll be spending the next 36 hours at the hospital. oh, and i found ants this morning. i suppose it's a bit of a blessing. because of them, i threw away a bag of chips. i don't really need the junk food, but the ants still suck.
and how is your weekend going m'dear?
Pregnancy, that magical time in a young woman's life when a med student sits her down and says, "No, you're not going to give birth this week, but you are going to fill this prescription so you can kill that infection. PS, that wasn't your water."

And the circle of life carries on.
I want this one...

...especially now that I know infection is involved...
gross. puke

i just wanted to let you know that yours is my most favorite journal to read... you amuse, disgust, comfort, and soothe me with your words... wink

the best are the laugh out loud 'til i pee myself entries! gotta love those!
kiss kiss kiss
Random Things From Rencent Conversations

-a doctor: "They can put ice on the outside. No ice in the vagina . . . or popsicles."

-a doctor "The ancient Greeks thought the gods were causing these women to have seizures. Unfortunately, there is no way to test this theory."
-me: "We could get pregnant women to blaspheme and see what happens."

-a doctor: "I can't hear...
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i started laughing out loud at... oh, i'd say... at about the gremlins portion of this evenings reading selection.

i continued to laugh out loud once you admitted to not having a uterus...

i've not made it the rest of the way through the entry yet because i was laughing so hard i needed to let you know.

thanks... kiss kiss kiss love
i just scrubbed in for my first major surgery, a c-section. 2 hours ago i was wrist deep in another human being touching her liver. color me psyched.
ugh... i didn't even want to be present for my OWN c-section... puke

good thing you were stoked... wink

have a good rest of your weekend!
Congrats!!!!! LOL - Most people will find that stuff disturbing, but I find it facinatingbiggrin

Kisses kiss kiss
Over 12 hours in the hospital today. I'm dog tired and very glad to now have my shoes off. My day was a parade of minor victories and defeats. That's the way of it. I learn what I can and move on.

One of my patients speaks no English. Neither does her husband. I know how to say "How much to make the mattress squeak?"...
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please send questions! and i am proud of you for promoting breastfeeding.
you have no idea how envious i am. 12 hours is nothing! wink
So - your a breast feeding expert huh?wink I wish that the military dealt with the whole birthing process too.....only on civi streets thoughfrown

Kisses kiss kiss
We're just students, but we had heard the stories. Some of the older people had seen it happen. They would speak of it in whispers, as if the whispers could stop it from happening again. Someone heard.

I don't know how it happened. I didn't see it, myself, only the results. Perhaps it's for the best. We are trained to handle the event, not question...
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i think from the "new people" page... kiss
That was an awesome description... I literally thought of clamoring pregnant ladies by the thousands!

