I am currently in the periphery of an overcomplicated spat involving the non-existant sex lives of some of my fellow review-classmates. On the surface, it looks like your typical she-wants-him-but-he-wants-someone-else high school bullshit. (him=my roommate.) Now imagine that everyone involved is over 25, a medical student/practicing doctor, and from another country. Suddenly, the level of ridiculousness jumps exponentially. When I went out last night, everything seemed cool. This morning and all day I was faced with the silent treatment from my roommate. Of course, with all the bitching that's been going on lately, this was a not-unwelcome change. I've asked him what's going on, and he keeps saying that nothing is wrong. *shrug* oh, well.
***This (literally) just in***
The roommate is officially pissed at me. Apparently, my not telling him that the object of his misplaced, heartfelt, two-week old affection went on a date earlier this week constituted a personal betrayal. (long-story-short: She went on a date. It was a flop. She told 2 of us how bad things went, but made us promise to not tell anyone else. I kept my promise. She told him yesterday, and now he's pissed at me.) I'm tired of this.
I hope my personal life doesn't look this asinine from the outside.
***This (literally) just in***
The roommate is officially pissed at me. Apparently, my not telling him that the object of his misplaced, heartfelt, two-week old affection went on a date earlier this week constituted a personal betrayal. (long-story-short: She went on a date. It was a flop. She told 2 of us how bad things went, but made us promise to not tell anyone else. I kept my promise. She told him yesterday, and now he's pissed at me.) I'm tired of this.
I hope my personal life doesn't look this asinine from the outside.