Today was significantly less than good. The benedryl last night made me groggy turning 7 hours of class into slow Hell. On top of that I've lately had things on my mind (suspicions and fears) that were realized last night and have been distracting me since. I just woke up from a nap, and I'm still tired. I have to wake up enough to study tonight. This class is all I have left in Atlanta.
More Blogs
Tuesday Dec 09, 2008
I need to blow off some steam. -
Thursday Jun 12, 2008
It has been a long time since I've posted anything. The latest news … -
Tuesday Jun 20, 2006
FYI When performing chest compressions on someone, it's not uncommon… -
Monday Jun 12, 2006
First, some happy news. Friday I went to Athens. John and Heather gav… -
Thursday May 18, 2006
An Open Letter I Hoped I Never Had Reason To Write Dear Patient, … -
Sunday Apr 30, 2006
I was hanging out with two friends at the usual bar. We decided on a … -
Saturday Apr 15, 2006
I haven't been feeling well lately. Work ended early Friday, so I wen… -
Wednesday Apr 12, 2006
Spring break was fun. Nothing too exciting or catastrophic happened. … -
Friday Mar 31, 2006
Leaving for Florida tomorrow with some friends. I've never been on a… -
Tuesday Mar 28, 2006
I'm back home on my neurology rotation now. It's all clinic work, wh…