Interesting few weeks all in all, I`m in the middle of starting to get a film made about the Drum n Bass scene in Manchester and although its still at a very early stage i am getting a hell of a lot of support and encouragement from friends in the scene and everyone i have pitched for help.
Also 5 weeks ago i drank quite a bit of whiskey and told 2 women who I love very much the truth about i how i feel, and some other things I cant remember.. Probably filth knowing me..Anyway these 2 beautiful amazing women are now both my loves, and as confusing as it is to some people i cant stop/forgive or make excuses for my love of 2 women anymore, but what was a horrible mess of lies and pain and mistrust has become the start of something that could make or break all 3 of us.. But they are my girlfriends and i am their man.. Trio/triumvirate/Triangle call us what you will but its happening and we are all happier for it.
So heres a couple of songs for my Mothburns+Asphazia.. I love you Both x x
Also 5 weeks ago i drank quite a bit of whiskey and told 2 women who I love very much the truth about i how i feel, and some other things I cant remember.. Probably filth knowing me..Anyway these 2 beautiful amazing women are now both my loves, and as confusing as it is to some people i cant stop/forgive or make excuses for my love of 2 women anymore, but what was a horrible mess of lies and pain and mistrust has become the start of something that could make or break all 3 of us.. But they are my girlfriends and i am their man.. Trio/triumvirate/Triangle call us what you will but its happening and we are all happier for it.
So heres a couple of songs for my Mothburns+Asphazia.. I love you Both x x
Funny you say that Anti.... I'm getting a Satanist quote tattooed on my back in a couple of weeks ; )