What has happened to men? If someone offered me out fair and square like a gent i would not refuse i would step up and fight.. Last week some snide ass pussy decided to whisper me in chat stating that the wanted to clear any bad air between us, however it turned out the same day he messaged my girl Mothburns and try to invite... Read More
Interesting few weeks all in all, I`m in the middle of starting to get a film made about the Drum n Bass scene in Manchester and although its still at a very early stage i am getting a hell of a lot of support and encouragement from friends in the scene and everyone i have pitched for help.
Also 5 weeks ago i drank quite... Read More
The fanboy in me cried today, its been too much recently with the new Spiderman trailer showing alot more of the lizard, the new Batman trailers looking amazing and now this? i cant take much more excitement...
Today i want to talk about drugs, drugs are good and drugs are bad..
Here is a reason drugs are good, a mate of a mate got 1/2 gm of mdma from me and thought he was man enough to drop it all in one go, I ring my mate 3 hours later to see how he has gone on and he tells me to... Read More
Like I said, I knew something was wrong but couldn't figure out where that feeling was coming from, I'm glad you arent on the mirtrazapine anymore and Im glad you had that empty stomach