I`m going to start off a little sombre today
I made a mess of things, and for a lot of people.
I kept it going for a year because i was scared,
confused and very much in love with 2 women.
ultimately we all got hurt and all have scars,
some physical some mental.
now its time to heal, if we can.
However... to finish...
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I made a mess of things, and for a lot of people.
I kept it going for a year because i was scared,
confused and very much in love with 2 women.
ultimately we all got hurt and all have scars,
some physical some mental.
now its time to heal, if we can.
However... to finish...
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I thought they looked familiar.
Free ink FTW!
I met Tom arnold today... The end
AND you found out you were an updated aussie 

Actually sometimes we do..
I wasnt going to put this on here, but i thought i will keep up on the knocking idiots out theme just for another day or two..
So its a great night and i am raving like a nutter, bob outside for a minute for a quick smoke and some fresh air when BAM>>> some random guy walks past and twats me in the back of the head with a Tombourine.... I shit you not a tambourine.. I looked at the bouncer and said ~ do you mind if i knock this...
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LOL, I'm sure you can just add that to the list of crazy things that's happened to you.
How freakin' random. Glad you knocked the tool out.
Been a looong time since i blogged (and i deleted those to due rellationship breakdown ;( ) However I am going to start weekly for myself and take it from there, in the last two months I have moved closer to town, and alot closer to to my friends.. I have been made a God father to my Best friends son and i have become...
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