Ah, an hour ago tonight seemed like being terrible. Now i'm very much looking forward to it. It's wonderful how things can change like that. Life seems to be like that a lot recently, and whatever powers are maing it so I thank them.
Thought it was gonna be a night sitting in, drinking wine and eating home made mousse (which incidently was an experiment tonight and a tremendous success. I shall be doing it again soon), but now it is off to the waterfront with amy and hester, and frankly i couldn't think of better company. except bob, but he's back home now.
ah, but we are such a good trio. there is definitelymuch love between the three of us. maybe one day it will become manifest in a more physical manner. but i have no overwhelming longing for such a thing. tonight we shall be together, laugh, get drunk and try to get home. or at least to someone's home.
yay! happiness
Thought it was gonna be a night sitting in, drinking wine and eating home made mousse (which incidently was an experiment tonight and a tremendous success. I shall be doing it again soon), but now it is off to the waterfront with amy and hester, and frankly i couldn't think of better company. except bob, but he's back home now.
ah, but we are such a good trio. there is definitelymuch love between the three of us. maybe one day it will become manifest in a more physical manner. but i have no overwhelming longing for such a thing. tonight we shall be together, laugh, get drunk and try to get home. or at least to someone's home.
yay! happiness