happy summer
realized it is time to get that lawn mower out of the garage and working again(hopefully), wow, time flies.
been on the down low this year so far, sorry everyone.
my health has not been great but more challenging was my mom was diagnosed with uterine cancer while in OH caring for her ailing parents. she finally had the surgery in march and was doing as well as could be expected until she came down with a staph infection and ended up needing a blood transfusion. she came home to her place for 3 weeks after being in a rehab facility and again the staph returned, along with pneumonia causing the drs. to reopen her surgery area and replace a drain tube. now she is back in the rehab place on iv antibiotics.
today is the anniversary of my dads passing away, makes me miss him and think of him more than i do every day. he was an amazing man.
taking care of my 3 yr old nephew and 1 yr old niece tonight. love, love, love them bunches. what a blessing they are to my life, every day, watching them grow, learn new things, and make me smile.
my little pomeranian Webster is going to start "work" as a therapy dog in a nursing home this summer, im excited and hope the people enjoy him as much as i do.
i miss hanging out with the SGTC group, i miss the people ive met there. i really hope this summer ill be able to spend more time with friends. see you all at flesh fest!!!
take care and sweet dreams
realized it is time to get that lawn mower out of the garage and working again(hopefully), wow, time flies.
been on the down low this year so far, sorry everyone.
my health has not been great but more challenging was my mom was diagnosed with uterine cancer while in OH caring for her ailing parents. she finally had the surgery in march and was doing as well as could be expected until she came down with a staph infection and ended up needing a blood transfusion. she came home to her place for 3 weeks after being in a rehab facility and again the staph returned, along with pneumonia causing the drs. to reopen her surgery area and replace a drain tube. now she is back in the rehab place on iv antibiotics.
today is the anniversary of my dads passing away, makes me miss him and think of him more than i do every day. he was an amazing man.
taking care of my 3 yr old nephew and 1 yr old niece tonight. love, love, love them bunches. what a blessing they are to my life, every day, watching them grow, learn new things, and make me smile.
my little pomeranian Webster is going to start "work" as a therapy dog in a nursing home this summer, im excited and hope the people enjoy him as much as i do.
i miss hanging out with the SGTC group, i miss the people ive met there. i really hope this summer ill be able to spend more time with friends. see you all at flesh fest!!!
take care and sweet dreams

I'll do my best to have fun in STL.
How is Cheerio?