before letting the month expire without posting a new blog i will fill you all in on how things have been in my little world.
all my four legged pals are good and i am now fostering a tiny black Pomeranian named Webster whose mom died and needs a home. he is such a cutie but is afraid of cats so he has a hard time when the cats want to sit with me too.
my nephew is growing like a weed and has tried to say my name too, but mostly he says cracker, baba, and of course NO. i am waiting with anticipation for my baby niece to be born in NOV. and am glad i get to be there for the birth this time.
i have been renting movies again, some really interesting films fyi: Malle's Aurvoir Les Enfants and Murmer of the Heart. Yellow filmed on location in Puerto Rico written, directed and staring this fabulous Hispanic women. View from the Top w/ Gwenith Paltrow is hilarious!!!!!!! reminds me of Romey and Michelles H.S. Reunion. Two documentary films one called Through Deaf Eyes-looking at the history and progresses/changes in the lives and educations of Deaf in America and Europe. and My Brothers Keeper- about the trial of an elderly man accused of killing his brother, 4 bachlor brothers all over 60 farming in rural New York who are suddenly thrust into the spotlight media with the case. after watching it i wondered if they were still alive(the 3 remaining ones) and googled their family name-guess what- believe it or not the last living brother died the monday prior to my renting the video-really!!!!! one died in july last month and the last one was buried a week ago
the papers/news had some good things to say and stuff about the brothers. and then the video had a segment that was not originaly released on the film but was taped just a few months after the trial when the towns folk took the three brothers to NEW YORK city which they had never been to in their lives. and guess where they were taken-at least one place? yup the twin towers of the world trade center-very errie to see for me. anyway check these out people they are amazing!!!!!
i have read so many books-found the teen fiction section at the liberary and book stores and damn are there kick ass subjects covered in fiction for kids to read these days. i found one dealing with cutting and group therapy, eating disorders, homelessness, homosexuality, alchoholic or single parent families and abuse. i remember reading Harriet the spy and any V.C. Andrews books i could get my hands on without my mom noticing or the series books of the time. right now i am reading a book based loosly on the book of Genisus in the bible where Eve is taught and raised by the serpent and Adam by god and god is falable and prideful. very fun light reading.
just read in the newspaper last week that "cliff notes" those yellow and black cheat read booklets for those who dont want to read many of the novels/writings required by educational institutions. well now they have begun to offer along with so far 8 classics a film version of the book on dvd- come on people how lazy can we get. and how do they choose which film version to put with the novel? i asked some of the gals i work with if they had read any of the 8- surprised not very many were in the yes box, classics like Of Mice and Men, Anakarena, Henry the V, Lord of the Flies, Inherit the Wind...
work is very very busy and people i work with tense, crabby and irritable. long hours, little bonus and exhaustion.
i have also been spending alot of time alone, not intentionally but many of my "new" friends have been on and off aquaintances and not available much, and i dont mind usually but i do find myself lonely too. As for the dating scene-could all the freaky, stalker, obcessive, crazy, passive aggressive, flakey women PLEASE take one step back and leave room for the sane ladies to appear-damn-just meeting girls is hard enough, anyway saying more would just be ranting. had a beautifully fun shopping trip to the 4th anniversary of Smitten Kitten Sex Toy Store and got lots of fun free stuff too.
oh i also set up an appointment for my second tatoo in Oct. yeah!!!!
and i keep thinking of fun, interesting, bizarre questions of the day but never get to write them down so i remember sorry, but here is a cool quandary: only in america .... do banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters, do they put locks on stores open 24/7???????
take care everyone and happy labor day weekend
all my four legged pals are good and i am now fostering a tiny black Pomeranian named Webster whose mom died and needs a home. he is such a cutie but is afraid of cats so he has a hard time when the cats want to sit with me too.
my nephew is growing like a weed and has tried to say my name too, but mostly he says cracker, baba, and of course NO. i am waiting with anticipation for my baby niece to be born in NOV. and am glad i get to be there for the birth this time.
i have been renting movies again, some really interesting films fyi: Malle's Aurvoir Les Enfants and Murmer of the Heart. Yellow filmed on location in Puerto Rico written, directed and staring this fabulous Hispanic women. View from the Top w/ Gwenith Paltrow is hilarious!!!!!!! reminds me of Romey and Michelles H.S. Reunion. Two documentary films one called Through Deaf Eyes-looking at the history and progresses/changes in the lives and educations of Deaf in America and Europe. and My Brothers Keeper- about the trial of an elderly man accused of killing his brother, 4 bachlor brothers all over 60 farming in rural New York who are suddenly thrust into the spotlight media with the case. after watching it i wondered if they were still alive(the 3 remaining ones) and googled their family name-guess what- believe it or not the last living brother died the monday prior to my renting the video-really!!!!! one died in july last month and the last one was buried a week ago
i have read so many books-found the teen fiction section at the liberary and book stores and damn are there kick ass subjects covered in fiction for kids to read these days. i found one dealing with cutting and group therapy, eating disorders, homelessness, homosexuality, alchoholic or single parent families and abuse. i remember reading Harriet the spy and any V.C. Andrews books i could get my hands on without my mom noticing or the series books of the time. right now i am reading a book based loosly on the book of Genisus in the bible where Eve is taught and raised by the serpent and Adam by god and god is falable and prideful. very fun light reading.
just read in the newspaper last week that "cliff notes" those yellow and black cheat read booklets for those who dont want to read many of the novels/writings required by educational institutions. well now they have begun to offer along with so far 8 classics a film version of the book on dvd- come on people how lazy can we get. and how do they choose which film version to put with the novel? i asked some of the gals i work with if they had read any of the 8- surprised not very many were in the yes box, classics like Of Mice and Men, Anakarena, Henry the V, Lord of the Flies, Inherit the Wind...
work is very very busy and people i work with tense, crabby and irritable. long hours, little bonus and exhaustion.
i have also been spending alot of time alone, not intentionally but many of my "new" friends have been on and off aquaintances and not available much, and i dont mind usually but i do find myself lonely too. As for the dating scene-could all the freaky, stalker, obcessive, crazy, passive aggressive, flakey women PLEASE take one step back and leave room for the sane ladies to appear-damn-just meeting girls is hard enough, anyway saying more would just be ranting. had a beautifully fun shopping trip to the 4th anniversary of Smitten Kitten Sex Toy Store and got lots of fun free stuff too.
oh i also set up an appointment for my second tatoo in Oct. yeah!!!!
and i keep thinking of fun, interesting, bizarre questions of the day but never get to write them down so i remember sorry, but here is a cool quandary: only in america .... do banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters, do they put locks on stores open 24/7???????
take care everyone and happy labor day weekend