greetings from the frozen north-it is so absolutly friggin cold here in minnesota, we finally got snow and yet we cant seeem to get any warmer.
work is going just swell these days and other than several scratces from random animals life there is good. we had a client drop by with home made cinnimin carmel rolls which were yummmy. the docs were in a jovial mood today laughing about scenes from O Brother Where Art Thou, and i kicked ass on the Issac Asmov quiz getting almost all of them correct.
bought some cute winter coats/sweaters for my new old one eyed dog which he seems happy about and im glad cuz they were on clearance.
now for the exciting news-it seems as if your prayers/chants/spells have paid off = i am presently speaking to two lovely ladies and hope to meet them in person soon and perhaps one would click with me and we could start seeing eachother. so dont stop your ritual yet. more later
finally but not last i am still waiting to be paid back by some people who took me for a "ride" and so here's hoping my financial situation improves and they get there crap in gear and pay me soon.
to you all: stay warm, keep cool, live life as if you dont have tomorrow, take care and sweet dreams.

work is going just swell these days and other than several scratces from random animals life there is good. we had a client drop by with home made cinnimin carmel rolls which were yummmy. the docs were in a jovial mood today laughing about scenes from O Brother Where Art Thou, and i kicked ass on the Issac Asmov quiz getting almost all of them correct.
bought some cute winter coats/sweaters for my new old one eyed dog which he seems happy about and im glad cuz they were on clearance.
now for the exciting news-it seems as if your prayers/chants/spells have paid off = i am presently speaking to two lovely ladies and hope to meet them in person soon and perhaps one would click with me and we could start seeing eachother. so dont stop your ritual yet. more later

finally but not last i am still waiting to be paid back by some people who took me for a "ride" and so here's hoping my financial situation improves and they get there crap in gear and pay me soon.
to you all: stay warm, keep cool, live life as if you dont have tomorrow, take care and sweet dreams.

anyway, i wanted to say thank you for your nice comment on my blog, she will be missed but it's getting better every day. as cynical as i can be, i really think she's in a better place now