I had a good birthday.
I got new wireless headphones, an amazing t-shirt (Storm Troopers crossing a road a'la The Beatles) and about 900
I am sooo going to "rip the heid aff it"* in Amsterdam and I'm going to try and get tattooed in the next few days. I want "I cannot stop shaking because you cannot stop shaking" tattooed on my wrists.
I'm also kind of seeing someone at the moment, we have a bit of history and amaaaaaaazing chemistry, though we haven't seen much of each other over the past few weeks we really get on when we are together. For the moment, I am chipper.
I went out with 2 friends from school last night, messsssyyyyy. Lots of free shots and beard groping, a really pretty German girl gave me her number even though I explained I was kind of involved with someone. I apparently have to keep it "just incase".
Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, it was much appreciated. Out of all the social networking websites I frequent I received the most on SG...kudos.
Stay safe y'all
*rip the head off it, metaphor for going crazy. Eludes to frantic masturbation.
I got new wireless headphones, an amazing t-shirt (Storm Troopers crossing a road a'la The Beatles) and about 900

I am sooo going to "rip the heid aff it"* in Amsterdam and I'm going to try and get tattooed in the next few days. I want "I cannot stop shaking because you cannot stop shaking" tattooed on my wrists.
I'm also kind of seeing someone at the moment, we have a bit of history and amaaaaaaazing chemistry, though we haven't seen much of each other over the past few weeks we really get on when we are together. For the moment, I am chipper.
I went out with 2 friends from school last night, messsssyyyyy. Lots of free shots and beard groping, a really pretty German girl gave me her number even though I explained I was kind of involved with someone. I apparently have to keep it "just incase".
Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, it was much appreciated. Out of all the social networking websites I frequent I received the most on SG...kudos.
Stay safe y'all
*rip the head off it, metaphor for going crazy. Eludes to frantic masturbation.