Nothing notable has happened this week, but it has persisted to be shite.
I have no fucking idea what I'm doing next year if I don't get into time based art next year, which is the likely conclusion.
Also, I have equally as little idea of what I'm doing tomorrow night or indeed the weekend.
I'm working all 5 days next week, potentially four if my band have band practice because it's only do-able from 8pm onwards thanks to everyone else's respective works and colleges.
I was in a really bad mood last night and I've not been doing much thinking today so it hasn't manifested itself yet but I'm just getting fed up of things right now.
I have nothing to look forward to, not even something little and meaningless and I kind of need something to look forward to if you get me.
In other news I've been getting to grips with Call of Duty online (PS3) as of late, I usually play Merc Death Matches, my tag is (hadoken1203, i share with my little brother).
In short, I'm fucking fed up but there are a few things occupying my time other than being a miserable cunt.
PS; 5 months, 2 weeks since I last had sex, bloody sakes.
PSS:: Behold...The Arctopus are amazing!
I have no fucking idea what I'm doing next year if I don't get into time based art next year, which is the likely conclusion.
Also, I have equally as little idea of what I'm doing tomorrow night or indeed the weekend.
I'm working all 5 days next week, potentially four if my band have band practice because it's only do-able from 8pm onwards thanks to everyone else's respective works and colleges.
I was in a really bad mood last night and I've not been doing much thinking today so it hasn't manifested itself yet but I'm just getting fed up of things right now.
I have nothing to look forward to, not even something little and meaningless and I kind of need something to look forward to if you get me.
In other news I've been getting to grips with Call of Duty online (PS3) as of late, I usually play Merc Death Matches, my tag is (hadoken1203, i share with my little brother).
In short, I'm fucking fed up but there are a few things occupying my time other than being a miserable cunt.
PS; 5 months, 2 weeks since I last had sex, bloody sakes.
PSS:: Behold...The Arctopus are amazing!
of course.