It was most likely caused by my partying last night; mephedrone and shit loads of booze. It took me about 15 minutes but I got over it eventually.
I'm really not used to them, but they've both been around the time I've been taking pills so I guess that's my body telling me I should cut... Read More
I used to get panic attacks.. which kicked off my athsma and led to athsma attacks. Not lucky at all lol... but luckily I think I've grown out of it a bit. That drone shit gives you heart palputations so I dont think it's the best thing for either of us lol. Have a detox for a bit and it'll all be dandy! ..and nice pic! xoxox
The main reason is, I've been writing a whole lot. I figured, I have a whole lot of ideas and instead of thinking "gee wizz, that'd make a good script" and writing them down in the notebook to be discovered at a later date, I've been developing the ideas and writing scripts.
Even though a lot... Read More
So yeah, Rugby is taking a bit of a back step for the time being.
I am uber skint at the moment and I can't afford to make it to training 3 days a week, and to be honest, I don't have the time at the moment to give up 3/4 nights of my week.
So I'm going to start playing rugby again next week. Its been a long time coming but I've dropped a lot of weight recently and I've started doing my old warm-up routine and weight sessions. I went on a run when I was back home and I don't seem to be too unfit, I walk pretty much everywhere and I wasn't breathing too hard until... Read More
So I'm back home for my Dad's birthday this weekend, he's getting my Mum's birthday tattooed backwards on his chest. I'm not so much of a family person these days but little moments like that make me really happy to have the family I have.
Lately I've been thinking a lot. I don't do nearly enough, I spend... Read More
I've had a big problem with knowing how to feel as of late. I wouldn't say a lot of stuff's happened, but I'm just not used to being so...connected with other people.
I had coffee with an ex a few days ago and it went really well. She's got a boyfriend back home (the whole reason it didn't work out, she moved) and I'm not... Read More