this is my unofficial "I'm officially 30 and can never be trusted again" picture of the beautiful sign at this year's ACL fest.
I've always been a big believer in the Jerry Rubin statement; "Never trust anyone over 30". And now that fateful day has come and gone and I still feel 18.
And if I may rant for a few seconds (shockingly out-of-character for me, I know), the baby boom echo of GenX and Y is really pissing me off. I read today that they're going to do a live action/CG movie of Paddington Bear.
Fuh. King. Hell.
What other priceless/timeless/and innocent childhood tv show memories can they continue to soil?
All this AFTER the quite frankly forehead-smacking news of Jason Lee starring in the upcoming Alvin & the Chipmunks movie. At the VERY least, it's starting to look like good ole' Jason may not be able to be trusted with his decisions in which movie roles to sign on to.
That or fire your manager, Jason. Before you end up alienating your 30-something audience.

Post Script: New pictures have been uploaded....have fun, kids.
haha paddington bear.