Shit like THIS is why I have such an utter and complete loathing for the "beauty" industry. It's all a big sham and such a shame that so many women and girls buy into the bullshit.

Okay...the gif's not working...LAME
here's the link
It's shit like that that perpetuates the stereotype and impossible standards of an industry that NEEDS you to have a low self-esteem, or that ONE flaw (when all of us have LOADS of flaws) that you just can't seem to get over when you look in the mirror...
THAT industry is the reason for shit like THIS:
Courtney Love THEN:


Okay...the gif's not working...LAME
here's the link
It's shit like that that perpetuates the stereotype and impossible standards of an industry that NEEDS you to have a low self-esteem, or that ONE flaw (when all of us have LOADS of flaws) that you just can't seem to get over when you look in the mirror...
THAT industry is the reason for shit like THIS:
Courtney Love THEN:


I just had another look at that gif, by erasing all of her wrinkles, they also erased an important part of her beauty.

i hate that shit. they just recycle the same pathetic "articles" month after month. creeps me out