Well Sat night in the middle of this snow strom me and the family ended up at the ER to find that my boy [the little one] need hernia repair surgery. He was most likely born with the hernia but now that he is getting older it became a problem. I am a nervous wreck. And on top of that he is sick with a virus so I'm home sick again from work. My pay check is going to suck balls! My ass is now pissing because I'm so stressed. I know it's just routine surgery but it is still surgery and it is his boys we're talking about. I tell you... things are just never ending. But Feb 3rd is his consultation with the surgeon. That may ease my mind a bit.
How are all of you?
How are all of you?
yep. heather is ok. thanks for asking.

was having a bad spell ..ill deal fo r now ...hope all is well with the little one.