Well, my awesome dinner had to be canceled this Sat. night due to a sick rat that required medical attention. Now my poor Ben is going back tonight for his 2nd nebulizer treatment and has to be on 2 antibiodicts for six months!!! My other 2 boys have to be on them too because they had contact with him in the past year. Ugh! Who knew rats could be so hard to keep. They are truely worth every penny though. You should hear poor bennie's breathing though. It's rough and when that's the case you can't just let it go.
Hopefully this weekend goes smoother and I can go to dinner. My weekend is going to be jammed packed but I'd like to squeeze it in. My kid is being a smart mouth and the other kids are nuts so I could really use a break. How are all of you doing? Well I hope.
Hopefully this weekend goes smoother and I can go to dinner. My weekend is going to be jammed packed but I'd like to squeeze it in. My kid is being a smart mouth and the other kids are nuts so I could really use a break. How are all of you doing? Well I hope.

please remember not to give antibiotics with milk products since those can neutralise them.