Today I am taking my son to his new school [daycare] to visit and meet everyone. He is so psyched. It's precious. I start work on Monday and I am a little nervous but I know it'll be like finding an old pair of shoes. Plus, when that 1st paycheck comes I'll feel RICH!!! I guess I outta go shower and make myself presentable. How is everyone's week going?
Oh and check this out. It's very cool!
Click on the link below. Look REAL CLOSE... This is a Hard One!!!
Oh and check this out. It's very cool!
Click on the link below. Look REAL CLOSE... This is a Hard One!!!
I just saw your profile and thought you seemed interesting...just saying hello and that Memoirs of A Geisha is one of the best books ever written.
kool what a coincidence my first day of day care is tommorow too im gonna bring my gi joes i love story time... sure everthing will be kool glad to here your psyched about the job