I've been growing a beard this week. There are few sights more ridiculous than a man with weak facial hair trying to grow a beard.
Last week my starter motor broke. This week the indicator switch fell off. I maintain that it was a bargain buy.
I was awoken the other night by something biting my ankle. It itched like fuck and now it bleeds occasionally. No sign of it healing. Maybe it was a vampire.
Last week my starter motor broke. This week the indicator switch fell off. I maintain that it was a bargain buy.
I was awoken the other night by something biting my ankle. It itched like fuck and now it bleeds occasionally. No sign of it healing. Maybe it was a vampire.
Revenge of Billy the Kid is a class film, very odd though. It doesnt compare to Braindead though, Braindead has to be one of the funniest gore comedies I've seen. And the lawnmower massacre at the end...brilliant. Nearly put me off my spaggetti on toast