I can feel myself sliding into a depression. I know what it's caused by, and I sort of know how to get out of it. It's still going to happen though.
The Shit In My Life:
I hate my job. I don't just dislike it, I fucking despise it. I hate the mundane work, I hate half of the shitty managers, I hate the hour bus journey. I hate the 0700 starts. I hate working without a break.
I lack motivation to study. Much as I enjoy the course, I'm too fucking lazy to study. If I studied before tutorials I'd understand more and enjoy it even more. I have 3 essays in for the 17th, I havn't started one.
I have no money. I owe 3k from last year, plus 1k overdraft at the bank.
I live with my mother. Easy living, she dosn't bother me too much and it's cheap rent. However, she gets on my tits. I want to be self sufficient; back to needing more money.
I am overweight. I'm 6'0" and weigh nearly 220 pounds. I want to be 180 pounds. This is because I eat too much and don't exercise. I used to run 25 miles a week. Now I can't manage 1 mile.
I'm 23 and just started university. I'll graduate at 25 if I'm, lucky. I've wasted 4 years doing fuck all. I've worked in shitty dead end jobs for 4.50 an hour. I wouldn't mind if I'd actually done something with my time, but I havn't. If I'd left school and travelled, joined the army, just done something I'd feel better.
I know there are people a million times worse off than me, who'd give a bollock to be in my position. But they're not me. Do I hate myself? Sometimes. Most of the time. I'm incapable of forming a relationship because of it. I have no confidence in myself. I've considered suicide, but I don't think I'd do it. I've been on prozac. I felt better for a month or so. Now I feel worse.
The Shit In My Life:
I hate my job. I don't just dislike it, I fucking despise it. I hate the mundane work, I hate half of the shitty managers, I hate the hour bus journey. I hate the 0700 starts. I hate working without a break.
I lack motivation to study. Much as I enjoy the course, I'm too fucking lazy to study. If I studied before tutorials I'd understand more and enjoy it even more. I have 3 essays in for the 17th, I havn't started one.
I have no money. I owe 3k from last year, plus 1k overdraft at the bank.
I live with my mother. Easy living, she dosn't bother me too much and it's cheap rent. However, she gets on my tits. I want to be self sufficient; back to needing more money.
I am overweight. I'm 6'0" and weigh nearly 220 pounds. I want to be 180 pounds. This is because I eat too much and don't exercise. I used to run 25 miles a week. Now I can't manage 1 mile.
I'm 23 and just started university. I'll graduate at 25 if I'm, lucky. I've wasted 4 years doing fuck all. I've worked in shitty dead end jobs for 4.50 an hour. I wouldn't mind if I'd actually done something with my time, but I havn't. If I'd left school and travelled, joined the army, just done something I'd feel better.
I know there are people a million times worse off than me, who'd give a bollock to be in my position. But they're not me. Do I hate myself? Sometimes. Most of the time. I'm incapable of forming a relationship because of it. I have no confidence in myself. I've considered suicide, but I don't think I'd do it. I've been on prozac. I felt better for a month or so. Now I feel worse.
I don't recommend anyone taking prozac. Despite what people think it doesn't help depression. It numbs you. The depression is still there; it's just surpressed. Then when the doctors think you'r OK + take you off it. it hits you like a brick wall again. Then they put you back on. It's a viscious circle. I'd rather deel with my depression (I am bi-polar) without medication so I never take what they give me. Prozac + other anti-depressants often make me want to do less. But again it's all up to you individually. I recommend you do try + cope on your own though. When you learn to cope with depression without medication it becomes easier. You still feel it but you discover ways to help pull you out, or to help it glide along more slowly.
Good luck,
Cherry xx
Cherry xx