Back to uni tomorrow, second year of Politics. I should be looking forward to it, but I've enjoyed work over the summer so much that I'm slightly aprehensive. I'm also in financial shit, 600 on the credit card and a 1200 overdraft, 200 car insurance to pay and 200 for repairs to the car. (we can ignore the 6000 I so far owe on student loans).
I stayed at my brother's flat last night, got drunk watching Reeves & Mortimer videos. I couldn't face coming home to this place. I need to get out more.
Just got an e mail from an old net friend I've not spoken to for ages due to her propensity for being banned from message boards (not this one). She's a good laugh, I missed her.
I apologise for the gloomy content of my recent entries, I must sound like a Leonard Cohen record. I'll cheer up soon.
I stayed at my brother's flat last night, got drunk watching Reeves & Mortimer videos. I couldn't face coming home to this place. I need to get out more.
Just got an e mail from an old net friend I've not spoken to for ages due to her propensity for being banned from message boards (not this one). She's a good laugh, I missed her.
I apologise for the gloomy content of my recent entries, I must sound like a Leonard Cohen record. I'll cheer up soon.

By the way, I use to listen to Leonard Cohen all the time.