Hey kids...
Saturday was Warren's birthday. Here are some photos.
These pictures are large. I'm sorry!
THis is him and I before the bar. Yes, sober.
I decided to take pictures of the crotch holes in your pants. Enjoy.
Beer number ONE.
Bryan and Mike, together forever.
Me and and old friend. I'm starting to buzzzz!
Okay, this dude has some seriously expensive hair. And then I saw him dance and realized that he had to spend that money in order to compensate for his lack of moves.
I really did think this was funny when i saw it. Three gin and cokes later. He saw me again later that night and tried to hit on me. Gross. He looks like that game, where the guy's face is a magnet and you drag the magnetic sand over his face to make moustaches. Yeah..
Me and one of my good friends, Zimmer. He truely is the man.
It looks to me as though Warren is being hit up. Back down Chad, I pays fo dat bitch.
And here I am, bottle-fucking some random broad. It was even funnier then, because she didn't know it.
Here I am, as the flanneled Afgan. Feel my wrath!
This picture is funny, because you can see him eating what I later saw him throw up.
Oh Warren, hasn't anyone told you not to eat an entire box of cheesebread after pints and shots of Jager? Sigh.
One of my personal favourites. Here, Warren demonstrates that he's an angry drunk, and I shwo you the peice of gum that I had chewed for about 7 hours that day.
Poor baby. He's feeling the consequence of his cheesy feast. I later smelled it. And he tasted it... 8 times.
And so I leave you with that. I really hope these pcitures don't show up massive, but if they do, I don't really care and I'll leave it anyways.
So cheers, and don't do anything we wouldn't do.
Saturday was Warren's birthday. Here are some photos.

These pictures are large. I'm sorry!
THis is him and I before the bar. Yes, sober.

I decided to take pictures of the crotch holes in your pants. Enjoy.

Beer number ONE.

Bryan and Mike, together forever.

Me and and old friend. I'm starting to buzzzz!

Okay, this dude has some seriously expensive hair. And then I saw him dance and realized that he had to spend that money in order to compensate for his lack of moves.

I really did think this was funny when i saw it. Three gin and cokes later. He saw me again later that night and tried to hit on me. Gross. He looks like that game, where the guy's face is a magnet and you drag the magnetic sand over his face to make moustaches. Yeah..

Me and one of my good friends, Zimmer. He truely is the man.

It looks to me as though Warren is being hit up. Back down Chad, I pays fo dat bitch.

And here I am, bottle-fucking some random broad. It was even funnier then, because she didn't know it.

Here I am, as the flanneled Afgan. Feel my wrath!

This picture is funny, because you can see him eating what I later saw him throw up.
Oh Warren, hasn't anyone told you not to eat an entire box of cheesebread after pints and shots of Jager? Sigh.

One of my personal favourites. Here, Warren demonstrates that he's an angry drunk, and I shwo you the peice of gum that I had chewed for about 7 hours that day.

Poor baby. He's feeling the consequence of his cheesy feast. I later smelled it. And he tasted it... 8 times.

And so I leave you with that. I really hope these pcitures don't show up massive, but if they do, I don't really care and I'll leave it anyways.
So cheers, and don't do anything we wouldn't do.

the boy ended up going to 'shwa yesterday for the day.
sleeping in the bathroom with the cat.
just lemme kno before you come down so i can book the saturday off work.