Ever phsyically scrap with your sibling? Ding ding ding- I won!
My sister is quite possibly the biggest douche in the world. She had taken that car that I left my wallet in. I was ticked that she left with it in there, knowing it was in there to begin with.
SO... I call her, and say I want to come pick it up. She accused me of being a "bitch" and hangs up. AND turns her phone off? I don't even know where she is, so no wallet pour moi. See, that's where the douchedom commences.
So i eat the rest of her fine Deep N' Delicious cake, because that's what I was going to buy.
She has an extremely hard time accepting this when she returns, because I've eaten her last palm-sized portion. She really wanted that cake.
I tell her I'll buy a new one and give her some. Now it's "I don't want the cake, I want money!"
Soo... then she goes into my wallet she brought home (way too late) and decides to attempt to take $5, which is more than the damned cake to begin with.
I tell her to get the hell out of my wallet. Then- she throws a fork at me?
I find this rather amusing now, however last night I was fuming and ran towards her. She throws her hands up as to sheild her perfectly mainstreamed high-lighted head.
"Yeah, you better do that" And I walk away.
And then she starts throwing these pitiful attemps at slaps at me. You know how it is, they flail their arms and hold their neck back out of the way while squinting, as though to avoid getting an acrylic nail scratch on their retna.
I'm shoving this kick off and away from me. Then she screams in horror. By GOD I think I've scratched her arm!
She cries. She grabs the phone. She runs upstairs. "I'm calling Dad!"
She's 18.
Soo... now that my father has decided to come over later and stay over to make sure we don't slash eachothers' throats in our sleep, Warren can't stay over. (He would have a conniption. I'm his virgin little baby.)
So the sister has just arrived home.
I must go.
Please, feel my pain. And adopt an 18 year old today.
My sister is quite possibly the biggest douche in the world. She had taken that car that I left my wallet in. I was ticked that she left with it in there, knowing it was in there to begin with.
SO... I call her, and say I want to come pick it up. She accused me of being a "bitch" and hangs up. AND turns her phone off? I don't even know where she is, so no wallet pour moi. See, that's where the douchedom commences.
So i eat the rest of her fine Deep N' Delicious cake, because that's what I was going to buy.
She has an extremely hard time accepting this when she returns, because I've eaten her last palm-sized portion. She really wanted that cake.
I tell her I'll buy a new one and give her some. Now it's "I don't want the cake, I want money!"

Soo... then she goes into my wallet she brought home (way too late) and decides to attempt to take $5, which is more than the damned cake to begin with.
I tell her to get the hell out of my wallet. Then- she throws a fork at me?
I find this rather amusing now, however last night I was fuming and ran towards her. She throws her hands up as to sheild her perfectly mainstreamed high-lighted head.
"Yeah, you better do that" And I walk away.
And then she starts throwing these pitiful attemps at slaps at me. You know how it is, they flail their arms and hold their neck back out of the way while squinting, as though to avoid getting an acrylic nail scratch on their retna.
I'm shoving this kick off and away from me. Then she screams in horror. By GOD I think I've scratched her arm!

She cries. She grabs the phone. She runs upstairs. "I'm calling Dad!"
She's 18.
Soo... now that my father has decided to come over later and stay over to make sure we don't slash eachothers' throats in our sleep, Warren can't stay over. (He would have a conniption. I'm his virgin little baby.)
So the sister has just arrived home.
I must go.
Please, feel my pain. And adopt an 18 year old today.

i saw your comment after mine in cottser's journal. hehehe.. i am a dirty girl.