"Oh the words that he spoke
Seemed the wisest of philosophies
Theres nothing ever gained
By a wet thing called a tear
When the world is too dark
And I need the light inside of me
Ill walk into a bar
And drink fifteen pints of beer"
-Shane Macgowan
Ai, a decent philosophy indeed. Especially when caught up in the unholy mantrap of love...or rather sporatically unrequited love.
Oh, that I were made of stone.
Seemed the wisest of philosophies
Theres nothing ever gained
By a wet thing called a tear
When the world is too dark
And I need the light inside of me
Ill walk into a bar
And drink fifteen pints of beer"
-Shane Macgowan
Ai, a decent philosophy indeed. Especially when caught up in the unholy mantrap of love...or rather sporatically unrequited love.
Oh, that I were made of stone.

i suppose that counts. it is settled. you are my new hero.

you are great with words