My first two weeks of school went very goddamned well. I must admit, I really wasn't looking forward to taking freshman seminar, but then our teacher mentioned how he'd be absent for the next two weeks because his old band was doing a reunion tour in the UK. We asked what band that was....he said "Gang of Four". I damn near fell off my seat.
P.S. I'm getting wickid tired of my profile pic, but the damned USB ports on my comuter aren't working, so I can't scan any new pics or d/l any from my camera. To hell with technology.
P.S. I'm getting wickid tired of my profile pic, but the damned USB ports on my comuter aren't working, so I can't scan any new pics or d/l any from my camera. To hell with technology.
I think I know of a bunch of old farts over in the "Aging Punks Unanimous" group that would be rather impressed by that little piece of "trivia."
Old photo of Prof. Burnham from "back in the day."
(I'd imagine he looks a tad different now.)
(Re. Rhode Island weather: perhaps you should invest in a sturdy pair of snow-shoes -- or a snow-PLOUGH, for that matter!)
[Edited on Jan 29, 2005 12:31PM]