the other day a college aged girl was standing in line at my work when her friend approached her holding a can of nuts.
friend: "are these the kinda of peanuts that you wanted?"
girl in line: "those aren't peanuts, those are cashews."
friend: "peanuts, cashews, whatever. They both grow on the same tree."
things that make you go hhmmmmmmmm.........
friend: "are these the kinda of peanuts that you wanted?"
girl in line: "those aren't peanuts, those are cashews."
friend: "peanuts, cashews, whatever. They both grow on the same tree."
things that make you go hhmmmmmmmm.........

i'm totally down for coffee. we just have to catch me on a day when i can be propped up without excessive effort . . .

just not sure that the fiance would take kindly to internet strangers w/ candy coming to the house. (assuming you'd arrive bearing candy, which i demand from all my callers- let's just get that on the table!). coffee, i tell ya. just give me a bit of time to recover from the weekend . . . oi.