i start two new classes today!
no more sex class...today we have environmental ethics and medieval societies. kind of nervous.
my fourth was...lovely. i got lots of cleaning done and began to embark upon a cd organizing preject right before jacob came. i have waaay too many a-ds and r-us than e-is and j-ms...it'll probably remain unfinished for awhile also...since i start school today. and work a bunch. and everything householdwise goes to hell when that happens. lucky i got some cleaning done yesterday.
so we had a picnic...sandwiches, potato salad, fruit, pudding, umm wine even. then we watched clouds. yeah. WHOLESOME.
we collectively took up three rows of bleachers at the fireworks. well...mr. tallboy did. i managed a mere two. than people started sitting atound us...and we gave up the leg restin' bleacher.
there are totally still people outside shooting off illegal fireworks...when does it end, i ask? it keeps going at 8 in the morning??

my fourth was...lovely. i got lots of cleaning done and began to embark upon a cd organizing preject right before jacob came. i have waaay too many a-ds and r-us than e-is and j-ms...it'll probably remain unfinished for awhile also...since i start school today. and work a bunch. and everything householdwise goes to hell when that happens. lucky i got some cleaning done yesterday.
so we had a picnic...sandwiches, potato salad, fruit, pudding, umm wine even. then we watched clouds. yeah. WHOLESOME.
we collectively took up three rows of bleachers at the fireworks. well...mr. tallboy did. i managed a mere two. than people started sitting atound us...and we gave up the leg restin' bleacher.
there are totally still people outside shooting off illegal fireworks...when does it end, i ask? it keeps going at 8 in the morning??

Looks like you had a great time he ?