back to my real job where i make real money. the art show runs for one more day, but i didn't take today off from work because i didn't want to forego too many geniunely paid hours.
there was tons of fantastic, amazing art at this fair and so many people not selling a single thing. the booth rent was something like $300. i just hope my mom hits gher booth rent. after yesterday she was at about $200. so of course i didn't have it in my heart to ask for any money, even though she usually pays me. heck, even in conifer we were about $400 out of the hole and it was 50s and raining and we had the tent closed half the time.
okay. that's my art fair anguish. anyhoo, we got free pizza and beer last night after the thing. coors light. WHOO. my mom and i were sitting on the grass between ann taylor and like crate and barrel or something drinking out coors light and eating our pizza and watching the yuppies walk by and give us scornful glances.
learned last night that my stomach doesn't like pizza and coors light mixed together.
for my final lit project, we have to compile a "poetry profile" and write an essay about the common theme running through it. my common theme will be "tales of anguish from a middle class white girl" or something like that. i have most of my poetry written, half of it yesterday. i hate writing poetry. but i'm not too bad at it, which is shocking.
last night i had a dream i was driving my car but i was driving it from the passenger's seat and i almost hit a guard rail because my arms weren't strong enough to turn it sitting from the passenger's seat. which is totally ridiculous now that i think about it...but dreams weren't meant to make sense.
one week of school left. then i get my fourth of july break. then i get to go back and read a book called "power and the holy in the age of investiture conflict".
there was tons of fantastic, amazing art at this fair and so many people not selling a single thing. the booth rent was something like $300. i just hope my mom hits gher booth rent. after yesterday she was at about $200. so of course i didn't have it in my heart to ask for any money, even though she usually pays me. heck, even in conifer we were about $400 out of the hole and it was 50s and raining and we had the tent closed half the time.
okay. that's my art fair anguish. anyhoo, we got free pizza and beer last night after the thing. coors light. WHOO. my mom and i were sitting on the grass between ann taylor and like crate and barrel or something drinking out coors light and eating our pizza and watching the yuppies walk by and give us scornful glances.
learned last night that my stomach doesn't like pizza and coors light mixed together.
for my final lit project, we have to compile a "poetry profile" and write an essay about the common theme running through it. my common theme will be "tales of anguish from a middle class white girl" or something like that. i have most of my poetry written, half of it yesterday. i hate writing poetry. but i'm not too bad at it, which is shocking.
last night i had a dream i was driving my car but i was driving it from the passenger's seat and i almost hit a guard rail because my arms weren't strong enough to turn it sitting from the passenger's seat. which is totally ridiculous now that i think about it...but dreams weren't meant to make sense.
one week of school left. then i get my fourth of july break. then i get to go back and read a book called "power and the holy in the age of investiture conflict".

I'm not a cool kid, so I'm not in summer school. Boo on learning. Hippies are fun sometimes. Boulder is definitely a good place for you then, hippy.
Tomorrow's reading doesn't actually take too long...maybe that's just 'cause its a lot of fun!
You get down with your bad passive-agressive self honey! Let me know how that goes!