i love being scheduled every night of the week the week i start school. love it.
hasn't been too bad though. i really like both of my classes. well...perhaps the poetry aspect of my literature class is a bit intimidating. i'm a dunce when it comes to poetry. someone will show me something i've written and i'll read and be like, "umm...yeah...that's good. really good. what does it mean?" but i actually have teachers that teach and don't go off on weird tangents or don't have us copy overheads for the whole class time so it should be a pretty good month.
i had to go to the boulder subway for my check from the day i worked and they paid me for two extra hours.
what did i do with my two extra hours of pay, you ask? got indian buffet to go, of course! and a mango lassi. made two meals of it.
i heard a rumor today at work that our "turbo oven" was missing a part and was giving off radiation...enough to "make a whole village sterile" they said. so i was...well, i couldn't really describe what i was for the first hour after hearing it. petrified of the dumb oven. but eventually i came to the comforting realization that this isn't really possible. it has a little warning on it regarding microwave radiation...but microwave radiation is non cancer causing or gene mutating. it just heats things up internally. and i doubt our oven runs on x-rays. i settled down about it after a while when i realized that it's probably not possible. but if it is, i'll be a rich rich (sterile) lady.
i'm dating a new boy.
and he's 6'8".

hasn't been too bad though. i really like both of my classes. well...perhaps the poetry aspect of my literature class is a bit intimidating. i'm a dunce when it comes to poetry. someone will show me something i've written and i'll read and be like, "umm...yeah...that's good. really good. what does it mean?" but i actually have teachers that teach and don't go off on weird tangents or don't have us copy overheads for the whole class time so it should be a pretty good month.
i had to go to the boulder subway for my check from the day i worked and they paid me for two extra hours.

i heard a rumor today at work that our "turbo oven" was missing a part and was giving off radiation...enough to "make a whole village sterile" they said. so i was...well, i couldn't really describe what i was for the first hour after hearing it. petrified of the dumb oven. but eventually i came to the comforting realization that this isn't really possible. it has a little warning on it regarding microwave radiation...but microwave radiation is non cancer causing or gene mutating. it just heats things up internally. and i doubt our oven runs on x-rays. i settled down about it after a while when i realized that it's probably not possible. but if it is, i'll be a rich rich (sterile) lady.
i'm dating a new boy.

not that I don't already feel bad, what with you being sterile and all