today got off to a dynamic start so i'm thinking it'll be a pretty great day.
i talked to subway boss when i called to get my schedule and he had heard about me wanting to transfer. so now that he knows, we 're that much closer to getting it rolling. he also said i could come back any time if i'm not happy at the new store. pretty soon i'll be totally boulder based!
so then i went to sell my books back this morning. three of them. i had alread sold back two and got $8 for one and $9 for the other so i was praying i'd at least get enough to pay for nine inch nails tonight. $20 would have done it, $40 would have been good, and $60 would have made me very happy. for these three books i got....drumroll....$125!!!!! i seriously walked out of the bookstore in a daze. running into stuff and dropping things and whatnot.
so the final after that took 15 minutes.
and that's my day so far! now i need to study for the 8am exam tomorrow and then...NIN TONIGHT!!! heading to denver with jill, the_other_keith, and jonnytrrrash7 at about five. i bought "with teeth" yesterday and it's great....really excited!
yesterday i had my two most horrifying finals. i ended up going to bed at ten.
oh, and the night before, bright eyes played "when the president talks to god" on jay leno. anyone else see this? it was the first time i had turned on the tv (except for movies) in over a month....that's like paying $20 to see bright eyes on jay leno (that's my cable bill). best $20 spent!

i talked to subway boss when i called to get my schedule and he had heard about me wanting to transfer. so now that he knows, we 're that much closer to getting it rolling. he also said i could come back any time if i'm not happy at the new store. pretty soon i'll be totally boulder based!
so then i went to sell my books back this morning. three of them. i had alread sold back two and got $8 for one and $9 for the other so i was praying i'd at least get enough to pay for nine inch nails tonight. $20 would have done it, $40 would have been good, and $60 would have made me very happy. for these three books i got....drumroll....$125!!!!! i seriously walked out of the bookstore in a daze. running into stuff and dropping things and whatnot.
so the final after that took 15 minutes.
and that's my day so far! now i need to study for the 8am exam tomorrow and then...NIN TONIGHT!!! heading to denver with jill, the_other_keith, and jonnytrrrash7 at about five. i bought "with teeth" yesterday and it's great....really excited!
yesterday i had my two most horrifying finals. i ended up going to bed at ten.
oh, and the night before, bright eyes played "when the president talks to god" on jay leno. anyone else see this? it was the first time i had turned on the tv (except for movies) in over a month....that's like paying $20 to see bright eyes on jay leno (that's my cable bill). best $20 spent!
well let me know how friday is gonna work cause i'm super excited about it....