i almost didn't have friday off for bright eyes because i simply neglected to take it off! i was slightly panicky for a little bit but new girl came in and traded with me for tomorrow. i like new girl. after a false alarm, bright eyes is still on. and the faint. seldom do i get to see two bands at the same time whose albums i own all or most of. awesome.
so next friday...not bright eyes friday but the one after...i'm going to see nuggets play-off game five. haha...i had to ask tracy at work if there was a game five since i've been absolutely horrible at following them this season. i was so good about it last year...perhaps because i lived in a 150 sq. ft. space with a sports fanatic? jeez...i don't even know who they're playing. anyone know?
at least school is finally winding down. no new chemistry material. i think i'm a lot less stressed out than a lot of people, particularly those in my writing class who haven't started their final projects (due thursday). i have a whole day off before finals start for me. pretty much in good shape!
but i do need to finish a different short paper right now.

BUT the people i'm going with are going to NIN, kitsune24 and her boyfriend
and since it's standing room only we can all hang out!
that rocks
seats blow!
im excited!!!!!!!!!
do you just want to come to my house then and we'll leave from here?