why must the weather forcasters throw me off so? last night i checked out the weather today online and it sounded like i'd be trudging to school in horizontal rain/snow. so i decided if it was really bad, i'd take the day off and stay in until work.
so it's cloudy and 50 out. and quite the opposite of windy. i missed my first class because i keep awaiting these 50 mph wind gusts to catch me off guard. and i drove to school. and the parking garage was full and all the meters on campus are two hours max and i needed three. so here i am missing my second class. i really have to go to class number three because i got an e-mail from a girl in the class who's in a group i'm presenting a thing with and she wants to meet so we can figure out when to meet.
so i'm glad we're not on "blizzard warning" but it seems like these weather people haven't been getting it right lately. at least not here.
muse is on 1190.
i got my bright eyes ticket in the mail last night! i've also been "pre-approved" for a visa platinum! they have my name wrong on it and everything...
edited to add:
i got my nose piercing this afternoon, since i drove to school and parked on the hill....and i like it. but it bled.....unusually...
piercer: did you take any blood thinners today
me: (blood gushing from nose) umm...no....
piercer: any aspirin?
me: no
piercer: well....are you a hemophiliac then?
and so on....they figured a vein was hit or something...it clotted up pretty quickly. i did have everyone who worked in the shop standing around me and holding tissues to my face at one point though. yeah, it was hot.
so now i get to do the sea salt/water thing for it. i like tattoo aftercare waaay better than sticking sea salt soaked q-tips up my nose.
so that's all. work was work. julie put in her two weeks though.
she has another job but just stuck around subway for two nights a week because she loves me and brandy. it's true.
so it's cloudy and 50 out. and quite the opposite of windy. i missed my first class because i keep awaiting these 50 mph wind gusts to catch me off guard. and i drove to school. and the parking garage was full and all the meters on campus are two hours max and i needed three. so here i am missing my second class. i really have to go to class number three because i got an e-mail from a girl in the class who's in a group i'm presenting a thing with and she wants to meet so we can figure out when to meet.
so i'm glad we're not on "blizzard warning" but it seems like these weather people haven't been getting it right lately. at least not here.
muse is on 1190.
i got my bright eyes ticket in the mail last night! i've also been "pre-approved" for a visa platinum! they have my name wrong on it and everything...
edited to add:
i got my nose piercing this afternoon, since i drove to school and parked on the hill....and i like it. but it bled.....unusually...
piercer: did you take any blood thinners today
me: (blood gushing from nose) umm...no....
piercer: any aspirin?
me: no
piercer: well....are you a hemophiliac then?
and so on....they figured a vein was hit or something...it clotted up pretty quickly. i did have everyone who worked in the shop standing around me and holding tissues to my face at one point though. yeah, it was hot.
so now i get to do the sea salt/water thing for it. i like tattoo aftercare waaay better than sticking sea salt soaked q-tips up my nose.
so that's all. work was work. julie put in her two weeks though.

a dog hit me in the face tonight with the back of his
huge head-bent my tooth back. so i went to the back,
pushed it back into place and then called my dentist
at home. luckily, he was home and told me i didn't
have much to worry about-this happens a lot. advil,
ice, no solid foods on the front teeth (carrots, apples
sandwiches-i live for sandwiches.) for the next
week or so.
odd, there is almost no pain at all. only from where
he hit my face.
fucking dogs.
how's your nose?
yeah, i hate not doing anything on my days off that i had planned. i blame the dogs.