so somehow in the midst of this "crazy" unproductive break of mine i sort of neglected to take note that my sociology research paper on tuberculosis is due this tuesday rather than thursday as previously anticipated. made it out to the library this afternoon to get some books on reserve...got the only two on the list that were available (apparently everyone else in the class had the same time management issues i did). i have the research done now...so it's basically under control.
aside from that, tomorrow will be a busy school day. reality is sort of sinking in. one more month...
today, on the other hand, was a really really really good day, especially for a holiday (which i usually don't enjoy). my mom came and we went to breakfast at the chautauqua dining hall...really good breakfast. we hiked for a little bit and then we came back to my house for about an hour...she played computer games and i finished up my chem lab and we both pretended we knew the reggae songs on 1190 (ouch). then we went out and saw the movie "kinsey". i really enjoyed it. i went into it not knowing what it was about which made it even better! liam neeson was really good.
the weather was great today, by the way!

now i am here, fresh out of the library, and ready to take on the last month of school (i hope).
wherever that may be.
schoolwork sucks! i hate when i think something is due later than it actually is and then i have to scramble to finish it... wait, i scramble to finish everything. i'm such a procrastinator.