i work a day shift today.
it's a well known fact that the customers who come in during the day are smarter than the evening ones and once 3pm hits, they progressively get stupider.
tuesday night was a pretty good work night...all the coolest regulars came in...last night....not so much...but we were slow.
went shopping yesterday before work with my mom. we went to the colorado mills mall and bought puma gear. and had lunch. had an extra 20 minutes to burn before i wanted to go to the rec center and on a whim, stopped in a goodwill on wadsworth.
and i found.....
PATAGONIA. a red fleece jacket for $4. when i found it, i latched on to it and carried it around like i thought someone might grab it from me. coolest find ever. made this entire break worthwhile!
spring break is coming to a close and i sort of forgot about school...nothing really worthwhile got done. after work i've been alternating between watching motorcycle diaries (since i really need to sit down and watch it due to subtitles, it's really hard to watch the whole thing) and trying to finish my book. perhaps this evening i'll start the biology studying and NEPA paper researching and try to make it to the library tomorrow before work. i'll try. i never did clean the apartment in the manner i promised myself i would.

tuesday night was a pretty good work night...all the coolest regulars came in...last night....not so much...but we were slow.
went shopping yesterday before work with my mom. we went to the colorado mills mall and bought puma gear. and had lunch. had an extra 20 minutes to burn before i wanted to go to the rec center and on a whim, stopped in a goodwill on wadsworth.
and i found.....
PATAGONIA. a red fleece jacket for $4. when i found it, i latched on to it and carried it around like i thought someone might grab it from me. coolest find ever. made this entire break worthwhile!

spring break is coming to a close and i sort of forgot about school...nothing really worthwhile got done. after work i've been alternating between watching motorcycle diaries (since i really need to sit down and watch it due to subtitles, it's really hard to watch the whole thing) and trying to finish my book. perhaps this evening i'll start the biology studying and NEPA paper researching and try to make it to the library tomorrow before work. i'll try. i never did clean the apartment in the manner i promised myself i would.

Your spring break pretty sounds like mine. I totally forgot about school, had some fun, and I didn't really accomplish anything that I really had planned, but it wasn't that bad.