i had pictures to put up to show the productivity at work, but i dropped my camera in the snow and the batteries fell out and now they are missing.
i'm probably not going out to look for them or get new ones anytime soon...
well, one of the owners gave us permission to close at 3:30 today and i headed home at 1:30. been holed up in here and vegetating ever since. glad i don't have broncos tickets.
also been knitting. a scarf for my mom that i started in january but then just stopped making. it should suffice as a christmas present, methinks!
they've been playing tinkers punishment/the films on pimp my ride. i heard it on the episode with the vw van and then a different song again tonight. they were local and i've seen them a gajillion times but i think they've disowned the west. they came back last night for their yearly visit but weather prevented us from making it to denver.
i don't have to leave here until thursday if i don't want to!

well, one of the owners gave us permission to close at 3:30 today and i headed home at 1:30. been holed up in here and vegetating ever since. glad i don't have broncos tickets.

they've been playing tinkers punishment/the films on pimp my ride. i heard it on the episode with the vw van and then a different song again tonight. they were local and i've seen them a gajillion times but i think they've disowned the west. they came back last night for their yearly visit but weather prevented us from making it to denver.
i don't have to leave here until thursday if i don't want to!

You told me you watched "swept away" which i've never seen...but i heard it's not a great movie. how was it?
you should watch "Nuovo Cinema Paradiso". I don't know the english title anyway, but it's a great movie...i loved it!
You definetly should come to europe. I actually love the northern part (Sweden, Finland, Holland etc...) way more than Italy, but probably it's just because i've spent here my hole life, except a couple of years that i spent in the US.