snow! NOOOOO!!!
at least i didn't have to drive in it, i suppose.
i have tonight off so i'm getting homework and laundry and stuff done so i can hang out with this boy later.
i was sure i had tomorrow night off and not tonight at the sandwich factory but was sadly mistaken. someone did the ol' schedule switcharoo AGAIN it seems. i'm missing the faint. and have no one to blame but myself. at least i have a couple of hours between school and work to vote! i think i know what to vote for but does anyone have a strong opinion on 34? it seems like a good idea but i don't want "them" to sue me.

i have tonight off so i'm getting homework and laundry and stuff done so i can hang out with this boy later.

i was sure i had tomorrow night off and not tonight at the sandwich factory but was sadly mistaken. someone did the ol' schedule switcharoo AGAIN it seems. i'm missing the faint. and have no one to blame but myself. at least i have a couple of hours between school and work to vote! i think i know what to vote for but does anyone have a strong opinion on 34? it seems like a good idea but i don't want "them" to sue me.

All wheel drive and snow are fun when the road is empty. I always fishtail my car around corners until I almost hit a pole or mail box. Then I get freaked out and stop for a week or so, and then start it up again. Goodtimes.