ugh...i need about a paragraph for my italian paper due tomorrow and i'm a little bs-ed out so i'm taking a break from it and hopefully i can revisit it with a fresh perspective.
tonight at work was busy but good. i worked with julie. i let her borrow some bright eyes and some cursive a looong time ago but luckily it's paying off. we rocked out in the back. i think she has almost all of "lifted" memorized with the exception of the last song. last night i was scheduled to work until 8 but julie came in at 5 thinking she was scheduled and a conned her into staying even though she wasn't technically on the schedule....because all i needed was one evening off this week...just one evening.
today i got out of my bio lab class a little early so i went to illegal pete's with the girl that sits next to me since we both have the same class after the lab. i learned that she's from chicago so of course i said the usual thing i always say when i meet someone from chicago: "ooh....i'd love to go there and track down some smashing pumpkins." she then told me that her mom went to high school with billy corgan's mom and they were friends!
i just thought that was sort of neat.
alright, back to work.
tonight at work was busy but good. i worked with julie. i let her borrow some bright eyes and some cursive a looong time ago but luckily it's paying off. we rocked out in the back. i think she has almost all of "lifted" memorized with the exception of the last song. last night i was scheduled to work until 8 but julie came in at 5 thinking she was scheduled and a conned her into staying even though she wasn't technically on the schedule....because all i needed was one evening off this week...just one evening.
today i got out of my bio lab class a little early so i went to illegal pete's with the girl that sits next to me since we both have the same class after the lab. i learned that she's from chicago so of course i said the usual thing i always say when i meet someone from chicago: "ooh....i'd love to go there and track down some smashing pumpkins." she then told me that her mom went to high school with billy corgan's mom and they were friends!

alright, back to work.
what is this italian paper about? I didn't know there was somebody in the world that studyies italian exept italians...well good luck with it
Hey cutie! How've you been? Other than working your little butt off?!