If you're interested, I'm going to see this movie again on Friday at 7....it's at Starz Film Center. Written/directed/filmed entirely in Denver and it's SO GOOD.
I'm conversing via facebook with a pictureless dude who graduated from the alternative high school in Brighton. It was totally where the sleazy kids went.
Joe Schmoe: do you remember a Joe Schmoe
Me: Sounds familiar
Joe Schmoe: lemme see if I can find a pic of me. we went to vikan together I believe
Me: I didn't go to Vikan...I went to Overland for... Read More
I could swear I saw you at MBD in the Springs on Wednesday. At least I thought it was you and not your evil (or good) twin. You disappeared before I could spill my beer on you and verify.
i will gladly share our rain with you. we're getting a lot right now. i'm kind of over it. but if i didn't have to worry about my room flooding every-single-time it rained, i guess i wouldn't mind. wait, scratch that, i would because i have to worry about the dogs getting all muddy.
damn dogs.
damn mud.
The boys at my new gym are waaay cuter than those at the old one. There's some motivation for that then.
Also, I tackled the untacklable clothing rack I spent the bulk of Sunday attempting to "build" without directions. I bought the floor model. I'll never do that again.
That's all I have for you at the moment. Tune in next week.
i wanted to find a snuggie for our white elephant party. i loved the people wearing them outside to the sporting event. yeah, because that wouldn't look lame.
Bleh...I'm so not feeling the moving. I just took a break and went out for some coffee so I can get the packing shennanigans wrapped up tonight. And Wal-Mart. For one more bin and some of those trash bags in that commercial where the little kid is dragging the big bag of trash around and it doesn't break. I also bought a wok and an... Read More
moving is the worst thing ever. ever.
we were watching that commercial on tv the other day and commented on people's inability to keep the burgers from sticking or flying out of the frying pan. also, being made of aluminum has to be healthy and will never lead to alzheimers.
So...my best friend from high school (Shawna) just left. We did our holiday baking PART II. Part I was back when we were about 15, in my parents' kitchen. During part I, I found a recipe for "Orange Dreamsicle" cookies or something like that. The recipe called for however many tablespoons of tang. What we didn't realize was that it meant the tang mixed with... Read More
I've started early with the vino, which has been the case lately. Anywho, the other night I was passing by the Marquis theater post-SoCo musicfest en route to Double Daughters with Clint and Will (my friend Lane's boyfriend) and I recognized guy singer voice...turns out I went to school with him (middle/high/college). We didn't go in. I didn't want to force the others... Read More
so you'll be here by what..say..8ish?? tee heee