New stuff yo!
AHHHHH!!! That horse is all like "I don't give a shit! youz bitches are in serious troublez!" (you know this horse is serious because he can't be bothered with proper english... granted the fact alone that it can speak at all is amazing, but that does not excuse it's complete disregard for the proper pronunciation)
and I also drew...
OH NO!!! That bunny is gonna get whats coming to him! (he insulted that snow leopards mom... very rude, and uncalled for)
And lastly...
MOTHER F@#$ING BEETLEJUICE!!! I'd call him the Juice but OJ had to go and ruin that awesome nickname for us all, and the Beetle just doesn't have the same ring
Anywhoo, I'll post some junk again eventually

AHHHHH!!! That horse is all like "I don't give a shit! youz bitches are in serious troublez!" (you know this horse is serious because he can't be bothered with proper english... granted the fact alone that it can speak at all is amazing, but that does not excuse it's complete disregard for the proper pronunciation)
and I also drew...

OH NO!!! That bunny is gonna get whats coming to him! (he insulted that snow leopards mom... very rude, and uncalled for)
And lastly...

MOTHER F@#$ING BEETLEJUICE!!! I'd call him the Juice but OJ had to go and ruin that awesome nickname for us all, and the Beetle just doesn't have the same ring
Anywhoo, I'll post some junk again eventually