Bam! The last of my Man vs Animal drawings all in one big old barf of a blog, so here they come
BAM! Round 16 is over and the one to fall to the wild Boar is the Dashing Dalton Mabbutt! Attempting to outwit his opponent Dalton tried to take the Boar unaware and lull it into a false sense of security, until it was too late... for Dalton that is. Little did he suspect this boar didn't need to feel threatened in order to want to murderize poor Dalton. With a smash crash and a gore Dalton was done for. Sorry Dalton but you had a good run
As promised here's Round 17 & 18 for you! Round 17 saw our contestants face a spitting Cobra. Up until this point the twins Lori the Nut Miller and the Fastfood Trademark Wendy Schneider had worked together as a team to defeat all their animal opponents. But when it came time to face an animal with a projectile weapon and lighten quick reflexes it prove too much for the twins and Wendy's spirit took over as she pushed Lori into the cobra for "the betterment of the team". So with that we said goodbye to Lori!
With that round over they now faced their next opponent in round 18...
and as fate would have it the Fastfood Trademark Wendy Schneider had now lost her competitive edge and was completely taken off guard facing an animal without the support of her faithful twin Lori. Wendy soon fell to the graceful might of a wild horse, joining her twin in the losers circle. Too bad Wendy you had a good run.
Say goodbye to round 19! And while you're at it say goodbye to our latest contestant to leave us Jesse the Messy Kerr! Jesse fought a valiant fight but found his match in the vicious Komodo Dragon! Faced with a monster straight out of myth Jesse took into account the dragon's claws, fangs and tail. But what he didn't take into account was the Komodo Dragon's deadliest weapon the festering bacteria in its mouth! One bite and a few minutes later and Jesse found himself to weak to continue and so fell to the dragon. So long Jesse!
We're back! And that means round 20 is over! With the contestants facing the full might of a bull we saw Brent Not Clark Kent Thompson leave us! The last man standing without the aid of any weapons cept those he earned though combat Brent became a tad too cocky. He decided to quite literally take the bull by the horns, and while he didn't get gored he certainly did get the s#!% stomped out of him! With a back breaking lose it's goodbye for Brent! We'll miss you!
Bammage! Round 21 is done and with the end of the wolf fights we lost Justine Fat Tony Fowler! Our remaining contestants just barely survived against the wolves but it was Justine and her trusting nature that lead to her downfall. Seeing the wolf she assumed it was her dog Hadi. Feeling at ease she let her guard down and fell prey to the wolf. Sorry Justine you had a good run.
Round 22 is over and done with! This time we lost none other than Adam He's A Keeper Kepper! One of the pioneer's in man/animal combat Adam figured he had this one in the bag and became arrogant with his ways. He challenge the Anaconda to a mat based wrestling match, relying on his patented Adam Arm Bar to win him the match. But lacking any arms the Anaconda proved to be more than a match for Adam. Eventually Adam was swallowed whole. Sorry Adam, hope the digestion isn't too bad for you.
And so we find ourselves at the end of round 23, and with this round we say goodbye to Emilie I hope your last name is Kerr! The remaining competitors found themselves facing an aquatic foe for the first time in the Leopard Seal. Emilie found herself at a disadvantage having forgot her waders. With no way to enter the arctic waters without freezing she quietly waited atop the floating ice for her opponent to appear. Eventually Emilie sitting around as a metaphorical duck she was the perfect target for a quick strike from the Leopard Seal. So long Emilie you had a good run.
And so we've come up to the last week of the event, the final countdown as it were! And so one less contestant will make it to the finals, and today's contestant is none other than Coleman the Lantern Miller! Facing off against the scourge of the Nile Duggy fought a giant Crocodile. But finding himself more concerned with having a hilarious status and tweet Coleman was easy prey for this prehistoric predator! So long Coleman you had a good run.
And here we go with Round 25! Where we say goodbye to the Adamant Amanda Hadley! While most of our competitors chose to wisely stay on land and bat away at their opponent, Amanda decided to take the fight to the Bull Shark and face it right in the water.... It didn't go well, for multiple reasons. So with that we say so long to Amanda and get one step closer to our winner.
Round 26 is complete! and with that we lose the Great Grey North Dakota Wilson! And with her fall we've lost all the Wilson clan. Facing off against her Gorillian adversary Dakota's great greyness was no match for the great silverback Gorilla. Attempting to arm wrestle it into submission, it ended not so well... the arm ripping off kind of ending. So long and good luck Dakota you will be missed!
Our 27th round is over! And so we say goodbye to Roger the Phillip J Fry as he's mauled to death by a Tiger! Roger having spent too much time in his youth idolizing those wonderful cartoony characters selling him his favorite brand of cereal, figured he had to beat the tiger in a game of floor hockey after eating a balanced breakfast. Let's just say one of the contestants got their breakfast, but for Roger it wasn't so grrrrrreat! So long Roger you will be missed!
Round 28 is gonzo! And with that we say goodbye to Melissa the Melancholy Morbid! Facing off against the world's largest land animal proved to be a more difficult fight than any of our contestants imagined they'd have to face, especially when Melissa found herself up against Stampy an Elephant who never forgets.... to KILL!!! So long Melissa you had a good run and almost made it all the way.
And with this post the very first Man vs Animal is over!!! Our last two contestants Jade with a Can of Raid Schneider and Jeff the Ever Lovin' Blue Eyed Bodell faced off in an epic clash to end all clashes! Sent to Antarctica to face off against their Black and White adversary the Killer Whale! This battle was pretty much a no brainer even the champs of Man vs Animal stood no chance against the world's deadliest predator.... That is if the were to actually face said predator. Jeff heard "black, white & intimidating" and his mind immediately went to Morgan Freeman's impressionable telling of the penguins and their march. Figuring this to be his opponent he fought penguin after penguin, which kept him distracted long enough while Jade faced off against the Orca's alone and found her floating piece of ice tipped over instantly ending her career just slightly before Jeff was swarmed by thousands of angry penguins. Thus our winner of this lustrous contest is Jeff Bodell!!!
Congrats Jeff!
So if you liked my little contest and the drawings I did here (which I'm assuming you did if you've read this far into my post) Feel free to check out my fanpage on facebook
Smashed Head fanpage
My deviantart (I still kinda hate this site but use it anyways)
Smashed Head Deviantart
or my website (don't mind the christmas greeting haha)
Smashed Head Studios
Check out any of these for all the latest updates on my work (though honestly the facebook fanpage is updated the most frequently... for now, I will learn you one day wordpress)
I'll also try to keep posting here.
Thanks for reading! and till next time see you back here
Same Dan-time!
Same Dan-channel!

BAM! Round 16 is over and the one to fall to the wild Boar is the Dashing Dalton Mabbutt! Attempting to outwit his opponent Dalton tried to take the Boar unaware and lull it into a false sense of security, until it was too late... for Dalton that is. Little did he suspect this boar didn't need to feel threatened in order to want to murderize poor Dalton. With a smash crash and a gore Dalton was done for. Sorry Dalton but you had a good run

As promised here's Round 17 & 18 for you! Round 17 saw our contestants face a spitting Cobra. Up until this point the twins Lori the Nut Miller and the Fastfood Trademark Wendy Schneider had worked together as a team to defeat all their animal opponents. But when it came time to face an animal with a projectile weapon and lighten quick reflexes it prove too much for the twins and Wendy's spirit took over as she pushed Lori into the cobra for "the betterment of the team". So with that we said goodbye to Lori!
With that round over they now faced their next opponent in round 18...
and as fate would have it the Fastfood Trademark Wendy Schneider had now lost her competitive edge and was completely taken off guard facing an animal without the support of her faithful twin Lori. Wendy soon fell to the graceful might of a wild horse, joining her twin in the losers circle. Too bad Wendy you had a good run.

Say goodbye to round 19! And while you're at it say goodbye to our latest contestant to leave us Jesse the Messy Kerr! Jesse fought a valiant fight but found his match in the vicious Komodo Dragon! Faced with a monster straight out of myth Jesse took into account the dragon's claws, fangs and tail. But what he didn't take into account was the Komodo Dragon's deadliest weapon the festering bacteria in its mouth! One bite and a few minutes later and Jesse found himself to weak to continue and so fell to the dragon. So long Jesse!

We're back! And that means round 20 is over! With the contestants facing the full might of a bull we saw Brent Not Clark Kent Thompson leave us! The last man standing without the aid of any weapons cept those he earned though combat Brent became a tad too cocky. He decided to quite literally take the bull by the horns, and while he didn't get gored he certainly did get the s#!% stomped out of him! With a back breaking lose it's goodbye for Brent! We'll miss you!

Bammage! Round 21 is done and with the end of the wolf fights we lost Justine Fat Tony Fowler! Our remaining contestants just barely survived against the wolves but it was Justine and her trusting nature that lead to her downfall. Seeing the wolf she assumed it was her dog Hadi. Feeling at ease she let her guard down and fell prey to the wolf. Sorry Justine you had a good run.

Round 22 is over and done with! This time we lost none other than Adam He's A Keeper Kepper! One of the pioneer's in man/animal combat Adam figured he had this one in the bag and became arrogant with his ways. He challenge the Anaconda to a mat based wrestling match, relying on his patented Adam Arm Bar to win him the match. But lacking any arms the Anaconda proved to be more than a match for Adam. Eventually Adam was swallowed whole. Sorry Adam, hope the digestion isn't too bad for you.

And so we find ourselves at the end of round 23, and with this round we say goodbye to Emilie I hope your last name is Kerr! The remaining competitors found themselves facing an aquatic foe for the first time in the Leopard Seal. Emilie found herself at a disadvantage having forgot her waders. With no way to enter the arctic waters without freezing she quietly waited atop the floating ice for her opponent to appear. Eventually Emilie sitting around as a metaphorical duck she was the perfect target for a quick strike from the Leopard Seal. So long Emilie you had a good run.

And so we've come up to the last week of the event, the final countdown as it were! And so one less contestant will make it to the finals, and today's contestant is none other than Coleman the Lantern Miller! Facing off against the scourge of the Nile Duggy fought a giant Crocodile. But finding himself more concerned with having a hilarious status and tweet Coleman was easy prey for this prehistoric predator! So long Coleman you had a good run.

And here we go with Round 25! Where we say goodbye to the Adamant Amanda Hadley! While most of our competitors chose to wisely stay on land and bat away at their opponent, Amanda decided to take the fight to the Bull Shark and face it right in the water.... It didn't go well, for multiple reasons. So with that we say so long to Amanda and get one step closer to our winner.

Round 26 is complete! and with that we lose the Great Grey North Dakota Wilson! And with her fall we've lost all the Wilson clan. Facing off against her Gorillian adversary Dakota's great greyness was no match for the great silverback Gorilla. Attempting to arm wrestle it into submission, it ended not so well... the arm ripping off kind of ending. So long and good luck Dakota you will be missed!

Our 27th round is over! And so we say goodbye to Roger the Phillip J Fry as he's mauled to death by a Tiger! Roger having spent too much time in his youth idolizing those wonderful cartoony characters selling him his favorite brand of cereal, figured he had to beat the tiger in a game of floor hockey after eating a balanced breakfast. Let's just say one of the contestants got their breakfast, but for Roger it wasn't so grrrrrreat! So long Roger you will be missed!

Round 28 is gonzo! And with that we say goodbye to Melissa the Melancholy Morbid! Facing off against the world's largest land animal proved to be a more difficult fight than any of our contestants imagined they'd have to face, especially when Melissa found herself up against Stampy an Elephant who never forgets.... to KILL!!! So long Melissa you had a good run and almost made it all the way.

And with this post the very first Man vs Animal is over!!! Our last two contestants Jade with a Can of Raid Schneider and Jeff the Ever Lovin' Blue Eyed Bodell faced off in an epic clash to end all clashes! Sent to Antarctica to face off against their Black and White adversary the Killer Whale! This battle was pretty much a no brainer even the champs of Man vs Animal stood no chance against the world's deadliest predator.... That is if the were to actually face said predator. Jeff heard "black, white & intimidating" and his mind immediately went to Morgan Freeman's impressionable telling of the penguins and their march. Figuring this to be his opponent he fought penguin after penguin, which kept him distracted long enough while Jade faced off against the Orca's alone and found her floating piece of ice tipped over instantly ending her career just slightly before Jeff was swarmed by thousands of angry penguins. Thus our winner of this lustrous contest is Jeff Bodell!!!
Congrats Jeff!
So if you liked my little contest and the drawings I did here (which I'm assuming you did if you've read this far into my post) Feel free to check out my fanpage on facebook
Smashed Head fanpage
My deviantart (I still kinda hate this site but use it anyways)
Smashed Head Deviantart
or my website (don't mind the christmas greeting haha)
Smashed Head Studios
Check out any of these for all the latest updates on my work (though honestly the facebook fanpage is updated the most frequently... for now, I will learn you one day wordpress)
I'll also try to keep posting here.
Thanks for reading! and till next time see you back here
Same Dan-time!
Same Dan-channel!