Another bunch from my Man vs Animal contest
Confused? I suspect so, check out the full contest and details here
and now on with the show!
Round 11 is done and over with! And after various swoops and screechings, only one contestant fell and that contestant was Stephanie the Chantastic Chan! Using it's eagle eye the Bald Eagle spotted a weakness and vunerable spot in Steph's long locks of black hair. Swooping down and grabbing hold the Eagle was in perfect position to peck and claw away at Steph until her defeat! Sorry Steph you will be missed.
Round 12 is over! If you're wondering about the double post today it's cause I forgot to post round 11 last night when I finished it so here's me making up for lost time! With round 12 our remaining contestants faced a herd of Whitetail Deer! All our competitors made it out fine cept the Ty the Ginger Goliath Wilson!!! Facing off against the deer, Ty and his ego couldn't accept losing the love and affection of anyone named Bambi (even though Ty already has a woman... and it turned out to be a deer named Bambi and not the stripper he had originally thought) No Ty couldn't accept this defeat and continually butted heads with the Deer until he eventually took an antler to the sternum. Sorry Ty, your ginger locks will be missed...
Round 13 is Fineto! (pretend I spelt that right) The was a slight delay in posting again which I will be able to tell you about tomorrow, cause teasing is the key to building up hype don't you know. Anywhoo, our contestants faced off against the world's largest land loving bird, the Ostrich! Today we lost none other that What About Ivan Babuik! Yes dear fans, Ivan fell prey to the Ostrich and it's... shiny loving ways. Wearing his trademark suit, tie and flashy pin, Ivan made himself a perfect target for this big bird's curiousity. With a lightening fast peck the Ostrich grabbed hold of Ivan's shiny pin adorned necktie, holding its prize aloft in it's beck and unintentionally choking out Ivan. So long Ivan you had a good run
Round 14 is done! And after many, many rounds of boxing with the Kangaroo, only one contestant fell and that contestant was Tommy Boy Fowler! Tom put on his boxing gloves to face off against the Thunder from Down Under! But Tom didn't count on the Kangaroo's killer kicks to be quite so killer (odd, cause it's kinda a kangaroo's trademark move) And so with one swift blow to old man Fowler's jaw he found himself eliminated from the contest.
And with the end of round 15 we've reached the halfway point! And it's Jamie the Pitts Pittmann who fell to the weapon wielding Chimp! Jamie came to this battle with a weapon of her own, but ping pong paddles don't exactly pose a threat against a sword and shield. Even though the Chimp ditched the sword and chose to only bash his way to victory with a shield he still defeated Birch and her paddle. So long Jamie, you will be missed!
Anywhoo thats all for now folks! Check you back here later!
Same Dan-Time!
Same Dan-Channel!
Confused? I suspect so, check out the full contest and details here
and now on with the show!

Round 11 is done and over with! And after various swoops and screechings, only one contestant fell and that contestant was Stephanie the Chantastic Chan! Using it's eagle eye the Bald Eagle spotted a weakness and vunerable spot in Steph's long locks of black hair. Swooping down and grabbing hold the Eagle was in perfect position to peck and claw away at Steph until her defeat! Sorry Steph you will be missed.

Round 12 is over! If you're wondering about the double post today it's cause I forgot to post round 11 last night when I finished it so here's me making up for lost time! With round 12 our remaining contestants faced a herd of Whitetail Deer! All our competitors made it out fine cept the Ty the Ginger Goliath Wilson!!! Facing off against the deer, Ty and his ego couldn't accept losing the love and affection of anyone named Bambi (even though Ty already has a woman... and it turned out to be a deer named Bambi and not the stripper he had originally thought) No Ty couldn't accept this defeat and continually butted heads with the Deer until he eventually took an antler to the sternum. Sorry Ty, your ginger locks will be missed...

Round 13 is Fineto! (pretend I spelt that right) The was a slight delay in posting again which I will be able to tell you about tomorrow, cause teasing is the key to building up hype don't you know. Anywhoo, our contestants faced off against the world's largest land loving bird, the Ostrich! Today we lost none other that What About Ivan Babuik! Yes dear fans, Ivan fell prey to the Ostrich and it's... shiny loving ways. Wearing his trademark suit, tie and flashy pin, Ivan made himself a perfect target for this big bird's curiousity. With a lightening fast peck the Ostrich grabbed hold of Ivan's shiny pin adorned necktie, holding its prize aloft in it's beck and unintentionally choking out Ivan. So long Ivan you had a good run

Round 14 is done! And after many, many rounds of boxing with the Kangaroo, only one contestant fell and that contestant was Tommy Boy Fowler! Tom put on his boxing gloves to face off against the Thunder from Down Under! But Tom didn't count on the Kangaroo's killer kicks to be quite so killer (odd, cause it's kinda a kangaroo's trademark move) And so with one swift blow to old man Fowler's jaw he found himself eliminated from the contest.

And with the end of round 15 we've reached the halfway point! And it's Jamie the Pitts Pittmann who fell to the weapon wielding Chimp! Jamie came to this battle with a weapon of her own, but ping pong paddles don't exactly pose a threat against a sword and shield. Even though the Chimp ditched the sword and chose to only bash his way to victory with a shield he still defeated Birch and her paddle. So long Jamie, you will be missed!
Anywhoo thats all for now folks! Check you back here later!
Same Dan-Time!
Same Dan-Channel!