I'm a horribly late blogger on here. But I promise to get back into my regular blogging real soon
(not that anyone's waiting on the edge of their seat but I like to pretend they are, feeds my ego)
So expect the usual bloggery madness plus one of my rare serious semi-ranty blogs real soon.
Until then I'll post some stuff I've done in my absence
SPOILERS! (Click to view)This was done for a contest to redesign Stafire on Superhero of the month. I was always a huge fan of the original Perez design especially the collar which always reminded me of an Egyptian Goddess. I started tailoring my design after ancient Egyptian fashion which to me fit perfectly with the character and within the DC universe. The Egyptian women were very sexually liberated, often depicted bare chested so that's kinda what I rolled with. Me and my girlfriend came up with the loose fitting see through cloth so that she wasn't completely bare chested but she was still quite obviously comfortable with herself and is still alien to us. I did create a PG version to keep with the site and contest guidelines but even with the chance that I'll sound like a lecherous creep I still prefer the original design
This was a panel from my Marvel tryouts. It's Wolverine at a fancy smancy Art gallery opening where everyone's dressed as their favorite X-men. I think it was from issue #500
A quick commission I did for a friend of Thanos after he donated to a charity me and my local comic shop were raising money for during 24 hour comic day
And here are a few giant sized drawings I did for various schools in my area. Me and my local comic shop Happy Harbor Comics do presentations most every friday for kids on the comic book medium and industry. It's great to inspire so many kids and pass on your passion.