So as i was driving home from visiting my aunt in her totally out of the way after care facility, after working with dogs for 8 hours, it turns out all the major roads to get home were closed, and i realized i was hitting E with 50 miles to drive to get home. So, i had to drive around clifton nj looking for an...
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Hi smile Here's wishing you a Merry Yuletide and a Happy New Year!! smile smile
WOW. Its been like, ages since i've been on here. I was honestly surprised i still had an account. But yeah, just did the graduating college thing. Got my degree with honors in economics, and the only job i could get is picking up dog poop while making sure they don't kill each other at a kennel for minimum wage. The fact that its fun...
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HAHA! yes yours was rather interesting tongue
Ich spreche nur ein bisschen deutch, aber ich kann deutch lesen.
The best thing for me in the absence of German speaking people for me has been audio german books. I have Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen (auf kassete...unglaublich!) Also, Der Hobbit, (mp3) in which they sing the songs. So if anyone ever has a dragon under their mountain I'll understand.
viele gluck mit Deutch
and congradulations on graduating
Happy New Year!!! smile smile smile
Heute hatte ich die GREs genommen. Sie war total schlecht. Aber dannach hatte ich kein zu tun, also ich ein Schlaefchen machen hatte. Es war gut =) Aber jetzt habe ich mehr zu tun und ich gehen musst. Also tschuess, bis spaeter!
Happy Birthday smile
Thank you!!
So, i had a stat test on friday, a calc test yesterday, a bio test today, and a ten page paper due tomorrow, along with thesis work due in between all of that. But, i have to say it could be worse. It could, after all, be raining.

Anywho, my stupid roommate went out and bought a new guinea pig the other day so his...
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If I were single I'd give it some serious consideration. But I'm trying to strike a balance by staying in this wonderful relationship that I'm in and living out my dreams. I don't want to sacrifice either so I'm looking for a happy medium smile
As i was going to St. Ives
I met a man with seven wives.
These seven wives had seven sacks,
these seven sacks had seven cats,
these seven cats had seven kittens.
Kittens, cats, sacks, and wives,
how many were going to St. Ives?

My number is 555 and the answer.
correct sir!