What? School starts next week? where the hell did my winter break go?
Ah, well.
I guess I gotta get my arse in gear.
There's just so much I want to do. Like organize my room, sell some of my stuff on ebay, catch up on my kanji, get laid, loose 5 Lbs... not nessisarily in that order.
Oh, and put up a new picture, and update my dating profile, and comment in all my friend's journals, paint, order some deleter screens, work on the doujin I've been working on, all sorts of things need to get done.
we'll see what gets done in a week and what doesn't.
Ah, well.
I guess I gotta get my arse in gear.
There's just so much I want to do. Like organize my room, sell some of my stuff on ebay, catch up on my kanji, get laid, loose 5 Lbs... not nessisarily in that order.
Oh, and put up a new picture, and update my dating profile, and comment in all my friend's journals, paint, order some deleter screens, work on the doujin I've been working on, all sorts of things need to get done.
we'll see what gets done in a week and what doesn't.
what happened to your rattie? is it ok? did the mean kitty (your profile pic) eat it? just kidding... check out my journal for pics of me and my gf's rats.

i'd like to get laid as well but i have no deadline and thus no motivation.