I had this huge mega blog ready to post that was soul searching and (I thought) explained some of rhe events that "formed" me. Then, I had this near "religious" vision which led me to the first 2 minutes of the following. I erased mega-blog.
U.S. version
Canadian version
The next 50 hours are going to suck! At lest I don;t live in northern MN. or North Dakota.
U.S. version
Canadian version
The next 50 hours are going to suck! At lest I don;t live in northern MN. or North Dakota.
You should be safe coming, the pope no longer gives blessings on individual weddings anymore, only group audiences that people buy tickets for. Besides we may plan the wedding for when the pope is at his summer place, because he can hold a mass at anytime, which would result in the wedding mass being moved to annother day. We actually have to p[ick three dates because of this possibility.
We would much rather people give a donation to their favorite charity than give a wedding gift