what a weekend
some highlights of my fabulous/awful vacation:
1. we checked into our hotel at 12:15am, which checkin cuts off at 11pm.. therefore, our room went to the waiting list... i pitched a bitch and told them if they had to drive the drive we did coming in from las vegas, they would understand.. and i didnt know that every fuckin off-way on california has a damn toll to get to danapoint.... the nice guy felt bad for me because i was whining about my glasses breaking, and he said "we have one more room, but uhm, you guys paid for the double rooms that have the connecting door and this is only one room..." thinking nothing of it.. i screamed that we would take it... josephine, jay, scott, my cousins, my brother and my mom looked at me ridiculous and we got our stuff... and headed up to the room... opened the door... flipped on the light... BAM! its the biggest suite in the whole resort... thats right (ha ha).. thank god for timeshare. we used 82 points this weekend, thank the lord.... the balcony had an ocean view.. it was beautiful... everyone thanked me and we all enjoyed the hotel.. (which had its own bar/kitchen/entertainment room/office/mini gym in it, suckers)
2. josephine and i took a drive to san fransisco. i wanted to see someone special, she wanted to see someone. so we went on a journey...first, jo almost crashes into an 18 wheeler... so i made her pull over and i drove... then i almost get slammed by a geo metro. how bogus! we get to san fran... we went shopping while i waited a phone call... no call... i got upset... then i got impatient ,so we went and saw some friends that went to the univ in SF... that was fun. I want to move to San Fransisco... sooooooo bad. just walking around was absolutely refreshing; josephine and i were in bliss... so by 2am, we decide to go back to DP (which we figured we would get there by 7am). were driving, i go to look at my phone to see if anyone called... AND WHERES KOURTS PHONE?... no where to be found. ha ha... i have the worst luck with cell phones, i swear on unborn puppies i do... i cant remember where it went, i cant remember the last place i looked at it.. i was cursing for hours. called sprint.. theres ONE sprint pcs dealer in Orange County... and its closed on the weekends.. are.you.fucking.serious.
So... to my two favorite california loves, im sorry if i didnt get your calls... im phoneless until next week....
3. Went to Catalina Island running on no sleep.... Jay and my cousin Drew got seasick on the boat ride. nothing like spewing in the pacific to get you going. We had an absolute blast.. my cousins got lost driving the golf carts... i got to pet a deer. scott got hassled by a buffalo-halflink.. and josephine got groped by a drunk bald guy with one eye... and all i could say was "dude jo.. you got groped by a pirate!" arrrr
4. Went to the beach when we got back into Dana Point.. my mom passed out as soon as we got back... everyone else headed for Capistrano Beach and we got to hang out with some awesome surfers that were in CA for a tournament. Oh... and I met this guy, who was so gorgeous, it was sick.. we talked for hours, and then he got ready to leave... he put on these sunglasses... the same "Crush" sunglasses.. that I have! I almost died in laughter... what a way to ruin an image of a hot guy... he wears womens sunglasses...eep!
5. I just got home... a few hours ago... after meeting up with a few friends in Long Beach... and hanging out at the ocean... my mom got sunburnt.. scott almost got swallowed by a gi-normous wave.. my little brother was in awe with all the girls in bikinis that he almost had cardiac arrest... and uhm.. josephine was too busy running away from seaweed to notice anything else going on.
So, after the sunburn, the missing phone.. and uhm... the hot guy who wears girls sunglasses... in ready to take on my week.
"It aint no fun.. if the homies can't haaaaaaave none"

some highlights of my fabulous/awful vacation:
1. we checked into our hotel at 12:15am, which checkin cuts off at 11pm.. therefore, our room went to the waiting list... i pitched a bitch and told them if they had to drive the drive we did coming in from las vegas, they would understand.. and i didnt know that every fuckin off-way on california has a damn toll to get to danapoint.... the nice guy felt bad for me because i was whining about my glasses breaking, and he said "we have one more room, but uhm, you guys paid for the double rooms that have the connecting door and this is only one room..." thinking nothing of it.. i screamed that we would take it... josephine, jay, scott, my cousins, my brother and my mom looked at me ridiculous and we got our stuff... and headed up to the room... opened the door... flipped on the light... BAM! its the biggest suite in the whole resort... thats right (ha ha).. thank god for timeshare. we used 82 points this weekend, thank the lord.... the balcony had an ocean view.. it was beautiful... everyone thanked me and we all enjoyed the hotel.. (which had its own bar/kitchen/entertainment room/office/mini gym in it, suckers)
2. josephine and i took a drive to san fransisco. i wanted to see someone special, she wanted to see someone. so we went on a journey...first, jo almost crashes into an 18 wheeler... so i made her pull over and i drove... then i almost get slammed by a geo metro. how bogus! we get to san fran... we went shopping while i waited a phone call... no call... i got upset... then i got impatient ,so we went and saw some friends that went to the univ in SF... that was fun. I want to move to San Fransisco... sooooooo bad. just walking around was absolutely refreshing; josephine and i were in bliss... so by 2am, we decide to go back to DP (which we figured we would get there by 7am). were driving, i go to look at my phone to see if anyone called... AND WHERES KOURTS PHONE?... no where to be found. ha ha... i have the worst luck with cell phones, i swear on unborn puppies i do... i cant remember where it went, i cant remember the last place i looked at it.. i was cursing for hours. called sprint.. theres ONE sprint pcs dealer in Orange County... and its closed on the weekends.. are.you.fucking.serious.

3. Went to Catalina Island running on no sleep.... Jay and my cousin Drew got seasick on the boat ride. nothing like spewing in the pacific to get you going. We had an absolute blast.. my cousins got lost driving the golf carts... i got to pet a deer. scott got hassled by a buffalo-halflink.. and josephine got groped by a drunk bald guy with one eye... and all i could say was "dude jo.. you got groped by a pirate!" arrrr

4. Went to the beach when we got back into Dana Point.. my mom passed out as soon as we got back... everyone else headed for Capistrano Beach and we got to hang out with some awesome surfers that were in CA for a tournament. Oh... and I met this guy, who was so gorgeous, it was sick.. we talked for hours, and then he got ready to leave... he put on these sunglasses... the same "Crush" sunglasses.. that I have! I almost died in laughter... what a way to ruin an image of a hot guy... he wears womens sunglasses...eep!
5. I just got home... a few hours ago... after meeting up with a few friends in Long Beach... and hanging out at the ocean... my mom got sunburnt.. scott almost got swallowed by a gi-normous wave.. my little brother was in awe with all the girls in bikinis that he almost had cardiac arrest... and uhm.. josephine was too busy running away from seaweed to notice anything else going on.
So, after the sunburn, the missing phone.. and uhm... the hot guy who wears girls sunglasses... in ready to take on my week.
"It aint no fun.. if the homies can't haaaaaaave none"
wow thats a god-darned adventure.
Sounds like you had fun. I was born and raised in the S.F. Bay Area. Lived there 22 years. It's pretty much fucked, just like everywhere else. I still miss it, though. Certain things about the culture you just take for granted when you live there. It's hard to swallow when you move away and realize it ain't like that every place else, and even the freaky people in your new home town think you're weird most the time.