today will be wonderful.
why? cause... its thursday. MMM duh. ;] thursday is by far.. the best day. i dont what anyone says... its just... so wonderful... look at the big pictur
ok... lets get mathmatical, look at it, as a rise and fall chart
Wed would be the highest poiint of stress for your week
Hence that.... Thursday ... is the down point of the turn, which means your stress is disappearing. YEAH
now... lets look at it in forms of "weekend warriors". For the people who go out....
Thursday is like a day of preparation for weekend warriors. it's the only day that they can sit there, and plan their outfits, decide on good work methods to calling in that monday... this is why on Thursdays, when you walk into your work place, everyone seems "sick" or "in pain"... THEY ARE PLOTTING.
Now.. lets look at why i LOVE
S M T W Th F S
Its my only effing day off... damnit!. I go to school Mon-Wed, work Fri-Sun... where the hell is my break? THURSDAY.
Thursday is my day to have as much fun humanly possible in 24 hours. But since... I slept in... because... well. Im tired from the first part of the week *Note the Rise and Fall pattern* and then I have to work the rest of the week... downgrade... completely...
I Dont even know where the hell Im getting at this.. and if anyone actually read this ENTIRE thing, kudos to you... cause ya... me + rambling about nothing = just... well... im a retard
leave me alone! hahaha
im gettin my hair cut today... and dying it...
and im not tellin what im doin... only one person knows...
its gonna be hot...
no more black... its goin bye bye...
see.. thursday is the day.
im off to go enjoy this big ol mug of hot chocolate.. that i made thinking of my ♥ texan ♥....
oh yea...and this just in...
Mike ...xnjhcxx... wants to suck on my weiner. can you believe this madness!?
why? cause... its thursday. MMM duh. ;] thursday is by far.. the best day. i dont what anyone says... its just... so wonderful... look at the big pictur
ok... lets get mathmatical, look at it, as a rise and fall chart
Wed would be the highest poiint of stress for your week
Hence that.... Thursday ... is the down point of the turn, which means your stress is disappearing. YEAH
now... lets look at it in forms of "weekend warriors". For the people who go out....
Thursday is like a day of preparation for weekend warriors. it's the only day that they can sit there, and plan their outfits, decide on good work methods to calling in that monday... this is why on Thursdays, when you walk into your work place, everyone seems "sick" or "in pain"... THEY ARE PLOTTING.
Now.. lets look at why i LOVE
S M T W Th F S
Its my only effing day off... damnit!. I go to school Mon-Wed, work Fri-Sun... where the hell is my break? THURSDAY.
Thursday is my day to have as much fun humanly possible in 24 hours. But since... I slept in... because... well. Im tired from the first part of the week *Note the Rise and Fall pattern* and then I have to work the rest of the week... downgrade... completely...
I Dont even know where the hell Im getting at this.. and if anyone actually read this ENTIRE thing, kudos to you... cause ya... me + rambling about nothing = just... well... im a retard
leave me alone! hahaha
im gettin my hair cut today... and dying it...
and im not tellin what im doin... only one person knows...
its gonna be hot...
no more black... its goin bye bye...
see.. thursday is the day.

im off to go enjoy this big ol mug of hot chocolate.. that i made thinking of my ♥ texan ♥....
oh yea...and this just in...
Mike ...xnjhcxx... wants to suck on my weiner. can you believe this madness!?
Nope sorry. Best day is Wednesday. No matter where you are the same amount of days away from a weekend. So there!
i like that, its not the same for me, but anyway...hope the hair came out well, im sure it did. and AnB is an awesome band, everyone should have them as a favorite, 100 songs in 20 minutes...thats just an amazing feat, anyway, my girlfriend has the mastodon shirt with the whale on it so they must have a thing for sea creatures, which is cool. anyway, im an idiot so im going to stop wasting space now.