so i got my dad a really cool chess set for fathers day. the chess pieces are actually shot glasses with the figure etched on the glass - every piece you win, you win the shot - hah! beautiful.
MAC is coming out with a new summer line of makeup, i cant wait.
i borrowed the delirium cd from my ex. she thought i would like it. its nice. very different from what i listen to.
friday and saturday night i volunteered for "rock the vote". we went to the ESPN MotoX event. it was so much fun. nothing like screaming at drunk people to register to vote. woo! go vote!
hm ok time to clean the fish tank...
MAC is coming out with a new summer line of makeup, i cant wait.
i borrowed the delirium cd from my ex. she thought i would like it. its nice. very different from what i listen to.
friday and saturday night i volunteered for "rock the vote". we went to the ESPN MotoX event. it was so much fun. nothing like screaming at drunk people to register to vote. woo! go vote!
hm ok time to clean the fish tank...
haha. whatever makes my dad happy. him and his drinking buddies wanted it, so i figured "lets satisfy him" 

good idea..... i wounder if every one had that game would we would have a new bunch of chess terniment world champions